Cement News tagged under: Alternative Fuels

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Spain’s cement sector recovers 57Mt of waste in 15 years

26 November 2021, Published under Cement News

The Spanish cement industry has recovered 57Mt of waste from 88 sectors between 2004-19, reports the Fundación CEMA in collaboration with Institut Cerdà. This has prevented the release of 1Mt of CO2 emissions to the atmosphere and savings of EUR115m by not sending the waste to landfills. The report confirms that the optimisation of synergies has resulted in the cement sector becoming one of the largest recyclers of mineral waste in Spain and a leader in energy recovery. It has injected alm...

Indocement awards FLSmidth contract for AF system

25 November 2021, Published under Cement News

HeidelbergCement subsidiary PT Indonesia Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk will be replacing the majority of its coal use with a full alternative fuels solution from FLSmidth, who will be delivering a MissionZero flagship product. The project will enable the Indonesian cement producer to use municipal waste and biofuels. PT Indocement awards AF contract to FLSmidth. Left to right: Lars Bo Larsen, Danish Ambassador to Indonesia – Jeppe Kofod, Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs – Leo Carnevale, F...

Argos to collect 5000 waste tyres per month in Honduras

24 November 2021, Published under Cement News

Colombia’s Argos will collect around 5000 waste tyres per month in Choluteca, Honduras, and transport them to Comayagua for disposal at its Piedras Azules cement plant. Cementos Argos is working with Fundesur and Fundación HERCO to successfully launch the Responsible Management of Waste Tyres programme in Choluteca. The three organisations expect to remove more than 60,000 tyres in the first year of the programme, which has the support of MiAmbiente, the Secretary of Health and the Municip...

St Marys Cement seeks low CO2 fuel switch

19 November 2021, Published under Cement News

St Marys Cement (Votorantim group) intends to apply to Ontario's provincial government to use a different fuel mix at its St Marys Cement plant, Canada.  The company wants to use alternative low-carbon fuels (ALCF) to supplement the regular fuel mix of coal, natural gas and petcoke. The ALCF's "typically include wood and paper or plastics that cannot be recycled and are not odorous to partially offset an amount of traditional fuels,” said St Marys Cement. Ruben Plaza, t he plant'...

Norcem to invest in alternative fuel technology to lower CO2 emissions

28 October 2021, Published under Cement News

Norcem is investing NOK80m (US$9.53m) at its Kjøpsvik cement plant to help reduce CO 2  emissions. Norcem's owners announce that the funds will be invested in the factory by 2023.   Plant manager, Trond Kaasa, says the investment testifies that the owners are satisfied with the production facility. "This shows without a doubt that our owners believe and bet on us. The investments will go to a number of different measures at the factory, which overall reduce the CO 2  footprint. Techni...

UltraTech and PRESPL sign MoU for agri waste fuel

14 October 2021, Published under Cement News

UltraTech Cement  has announced signing a non-binding memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Punjab Renewable Energy Systems Pvt Ltd (PRESPL). The MoU is part of UltraTech’s endeavour to decarbonise its operations and aims to significantly scale up the use of biomass to replace fossil fuels such as coal in UltraTech’s manufacturing operations. Under the agreement, PRESPL will leverage its technological expertise to replace coal-based systems with biomass-based processes....

Taiwan Cement Corp invests TWD22.3bn in renewable energy

05 October 2021, Published under Cement News

Taiwan Cement Corp (TCC) has approved three major renewable energy investments, representing a total value of TWD22.3bn (US$799.4m). The company will invest TWD5.5bn on installing large storage systems at its Su’ao plant in Yilan and its Hoping unit in Hualien – resulting in the largest in Taiwan when combined. A 100MW/250MWh storage system will be built at Hoping, representing an investment of TWD4bn. At Su’ao a 35MW/87.5MWh storage system will be built in multiple phases and at a cost of...

Lukavac’s AF initiatives

14 September 2021, Published under Cement News

Since being privatised in 2001, the Lukavac cement plant in Bosnia-Herzegovina has seen a number of major investments. In more recent years, the focus has been on fine-tuning existing equipment to increase the plant’s share of alternative fuels usage to over 70 per cent. By Lukavac Cement, Bosnia-Herzegovina. Figure 1: KHD Humboldt Wedag five-stage cyclone preheater and A TEC Production & Service’s calciner and bypass system at the Lukavac plant The Lukavac cement plant i...

Andusia secures first Swedish RDF shipment

13 September 2021, Published under Cement News

Andusia’s first RDF bulk shipment to Sweden has been signed. This trial shipment represents the first movement of new business as it exported 3100t of RDF from Chatham Docks, UK, to Sweden.   With Andusia acting as the aggregator for the movement, this deal confirms the first RDF export of many to the new location. The brand new MV Scot Ranger vessel, showcasing a box-shaped single decker design is the equivalent width to 5.2 trucks, with a hold capacity of 240,000ft³. With three ship...

Geocycle begins Ravena waste fuel study

26 August 2021, Published under Cement News

Geocycle is starting a new waste fuel project at Holcim’s Ravena cement plant in New York, USA. The project is a is a government-funded study to see how the cement plant can use construction waste from the US Army Corps as potential fuel for cement kilns. Geocycle will also look at ways they can recycle the waste into new cement. The US Army Corps Engineer's Engineer Research and Development Center is spending US$3.4m on the study. Geocycle will also carry out research at its Holl...