Holcim acquires Minerales y Agregados
Holcim has acquired Minerales y Agregados, a leader in advanced mortars and adhesives in Guate...
Holcim has acquired Minerales y Agregados, a leader in advanced mortars and adhesives in Guate...
Total shipments of Portland and blended cements, including imports, in the USA and Puerto Rico d...
CEMEX is collaborating with Tecnológico de Monterrey, one of Latin America’s most prestigious ...
Argos recorded an operating EBITDA of US$127m in the 1Q23, the highest achieved in a first q...
Total shipments of Portland and blended cement, including imports, in the USA and Puerto Rico de...
GCC SAB de CV posted its first-quarter 2023 consolidated sales, which saw a 17.9 per cent YoY ...
Cement sales in Puerto Rico were down 0.6 per cent YoY to 1.5m bags of 94lb, or 63,957t in March...
Total shipments of Portland and blended cement (including imports) in the USA and Puerto Rico in...
Cemex is considering exiting the Philippines as part of its ongoing strategy to focus on markets...
At FICEM Hoja de Ruta 2023, the Canacem-Mexico-FICEM 2030 roadmap “Towards a Low Carbon Econo...