Cement News tagged under: Construction

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UK construction reports unexpected monthly advance

04 April 2012, Published under Cement News

UK construction expanded at the fastest pace in 21 months in March, adding to signs the economy returned to growth in the first quarter. A gauge of building activity rose to 56.7 from 54.3 in February, Markit Economics Ltd. and the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply said in a report today in London. The median forecast in a Bloomberg News survey of nine economists was 53.4. A reading above 50 indicates expansion. Markit said confidence at companies increased to a 22-month high. ...

Indonesia Hosts Asia Pacific Infrastructure Forum

29 March 2012, Published under Cement News

Indonesia will host the largest infrastructure forum in the Asia Pacific region -- the Indonesia International Infrastructure Conference and Exhibition 2012 (IIICE 2012). This forum will be conducted simultaneously with the Asia Pacific Ministerial Conference on Sustainable and Inclusive Infrastructure Development 2012 (APMC-SIID) to be held from May 2-5, 2012 in Jakarta. This event will bring together governments, investors, bankers and the players in the infrastructure industry. Hatt...

Czech Republic: challenging year ahead – report

28 March 2012, Published under Cement News

The Czech Republic construction sector is expected to experience  “challenging” year due to the postponement of major road and rail projects, according to a latest report by PMR Research. As a result, growth is not expected to return until 2013 and 2014. Civil engineering witnessed a marked slowdown in 2011 due to economic difficulties and budgetary cuts. The revised Czech government strategy on transport infrastructure released in January 2012 suggest the decline may continue this year. ...

European cement trends and outlook

26 March 2012, Published under Cement News

Last year saw varying cement consumption trends across European markets. Overall the region benefitted from mild winter weather and, while some countries demonstrated a continued recovery, others were constrained by government spending cuts and austerity measures. Going forward, the impact of the sovereign debt crisis is likely to have a more pronounced effect on construction activity this year, with expectations that output will reach its lowest point in 2012 before moving into positive ter...

UK: calls for public sector construction kick-start

12 March 2012, Published under Cement News

The latest UK construction figures from the Office of National Statistics (ONS), released on Friday, show that domestic output continued to fall in January as concerns mount over declines in private sector activity. January 2012 figures fell 12 per cent compared to December 2011 while for the   three month period ending January 2012, output was down 11 per cent compared to the previous three months. Commenting on the figures, Noble Francis, Economics Director at the Construction Prod...

New UK construction orders fall more than 15%

05 March 2012, Published under Cement News

The prospects for construction output weakened still further as the latest new orders figures from the Office of National Statistics for the final quarter of 2011 showed a fall of more than 15% compared with the same quarter one year earlier. Commenting on these figures, the Construction Products Association Economics Director, Noble Francis said:  "It is extremely concerning to see the ONS figures for construction new orders, which give the clearest picture of how the industry will pan o...

UK: budget opportunity to stimulate growth

21 February 2012, Published under Cement News

The UK’s Construction Products Association (CPA) has written to the Chancellor in advance of his Budget statement next month, calling for the introduction of a range of practical policies that, whilst helping drive growth, will not endanger the government’s desire to achieve its medium term deficit target, but speed the country’s economic recovery. Speaking about the Association’s proposals, Michael Ankers, Chief Executive of the Construction Products Association said: “Public sector capi...