Cement News tagged under: Consumption

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Peruvian cement market expands 8% in May

18 June 2019, Published under Cement News

Cement consumption in Peru rose 8.2 per cent YoY in May 2019 to 0.976Mt, according to the country’s cement association, Asocem. Of this total, 0.97Mt was supplied by domestic producers, including 0.854Mt by Asocem members, who reported a 9.7 per cent YoY and a 8.3 per cent MoM rise in dispatches. Cement production increased 8.7 per cent YoY and 8.1 per cent MoM to 0.877Mt in May 2019 while clinker output advanced 5.5 per cent YoY and 3.8 per cent MoM to 0.766Mt in the same period. To m...

APC members see May sales fall 13%

13 June 2019, Published under Cement News

Asment Temara, Ciments de l’Atlas, Ciments du Maroc and LafargeHolcim Maroc – members of Morocco’s cement association, APC – have seen their sales rise by 1.9 per cent YoY to 5.868Mt in the first five months of 2019 when compared with 5.761Mt in the 5M18, according to the country's Ministry of Urbanisation. However, in May sales fell by 13 per cent YoY to 1.06Mt from 1.219Mt in May 2018. Sales have been affected by Ramadan and celebrations of Eid El Fitr and Eid Lakbir, according to an APC ...

Puerto Rican sales decline 11% in May

07 June 2019, Published under Cement News

Puerto Rican cement sales fell 11.1 per cent YoY to 1.21m bags, or 51,425t, in May, following a 13.9 per cent drop in April. Output from local cement plants was off by one third to 1m bags (42,500t). The May data represent the fourth-consecutive monthly decline since sales started to fall in February, reversing their 13-month climb, according to Sin Comillas. Total demand (including imports) in 2018 increased by 38.9 per cent YoY to 607,750t (14.3m bags) from 437,750t (10.3m bags) in 2017....

Argentine market expands 4% in May

05 June 2019, Published under Cement News

Argentina’s cement consumption advanced 4.3 per cent YoY to 964,762t in May 2019 from 924,211t in May 2018, according to the latest data by the country’s cement association, AFCP. Market demand was entirely met by domestic production in May 2019, unlike in the year-ago period when 554t was imported. In addition, cement producers in Argentina exported 8891t of cement, up 49 per cent YoY. January-May 2019 In the January-May 2019 period domestic demand slipped 6.9 per cent to 4.601Mt, dow...

Salvadorian cement demand surges 28% in 11M18

05 June 2019, Published under Cement News

Apparent cement consumption in El Salvador has increased by 28 per cent in the January-November 2018 period to 27,314,750 bags of 42.5kg, or 1,160,877t, when compared with 21,802,300 bags or 926,598t in the 11M17, according to the country’s construction chamber, CASALCO. The latest increase represents the fifth-consecutive 11M rise since 2014. The rise comes on the back of construction activity outperforming economic growth in the Latin American country. Annual economic growth in the 11M18...

Colombian cement market contracts 4% in April

31 May 2019, Published under Cement News

National cement dispatches in Colombia declined 3.9 per cent YoY to 0.991Mt in April 2019 from 1.031Mt in April 2018, according to the country’s national statistics office, DANE. The market of Magdalena noted the largest contraction at 21.6 per cent, followed by Atlántico (-13.5 per cent), Córdoba (-12.6 per cent) and Cundinamarca (-11.1 per cent). Sales in Bogotá declined by 4.9 per cent and in Valle del Cauca they were 5.7 per cent down YoY. Casanare reported a 17.5 per cent advance in o...

Vietnamese market contracts 13%, but exports rise in April

24 May 2019, Published under Cement News

Vietnamese cement sales fell by 13 per cent YoY and seven per cent MoM to 6,316,583t in April 2019, according to the Vietnam National Cement Association (VNCA). Of this total VICEM plants sold 2.158Mt, or three per cent less when compared with April 2018. Sales were down eight per cent from 2.338Mt in March 2019. VICEM joint ventures saw their sales slip by four per cent YoY and by eight per cent MoM to 1.799Mt during the same period. Vietnam’s other cement producers reported a 19 per cent...

Cement production in Senegal sees 10% drop in March

24 May 2019, Published under Cement News

By end March 2019, cement production in Senegal fell by 9.9 per cent, or 65,000t, when compared with March 2018, according to data by cement plants quoted by Journal du Cameroun. Output declined to 590,700t in March 2019 from 655,700t in the same period the year before. Export sales decreased by 28.4 per cent YoY to 140,100t from 195,800t in March 2018. Meanwhile, domestic sales edged up by 0.1 per cent to 458,800t (March 2018: 458,300t).

US and Puerto Rican cement shipments fall to 5.7Mt in February

22 May 2019, Published under Cement News

Total shipments of Portland and blended cements in the USA and Puerto Rico fell slightly to 5.7Mt in February 2019 when compared with February 2018, according to the US Geological Survey (USGS). The top-five consuming states were Texas, Florida, California, Georgia and North Carolina. Masonry cement dispatches totalled 160,000t in February 2019, down 5.2 per cent YoY. Leading masonry cement-consuming states were Florida, Texas, California, Georgia and North Carolina. The country’s leadin...

Chilean dispatches up 20% YoY in March

20 May 2019, Published under Cement News

Chilean cement producers dispatched 398,132t of cement in March 2019, up 20 per cent from 331,802t in February 2019, according to the Chilean Chamber of Construction (CChC). When compared with 360,803t in March 2019, the YoY increase was 10.3 per cent.  In the first quarter of 2019, dispatches reached 1,080,074t, representing a rise of 7.4 per cent YoY. In the 1Q18, deliveries stood at 1,005,324t.