Cement News tagged under: Costa Rica

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Costa Rica approves cement quality standards

18 November 2015, Published under Cement News

The Technical Standards Institute of Costa Rica (Inteco) has approved the INTE 06-11-15-15:2015 Hydraulic Cement – Requirements and Specifications standard to help guarantee cement quality in the Central American country. The standards identify six classes of cement, each with subclasses, depending on their composition. Each specification lays out the compressive strength and other requirements which be must be met. While the implementation of the standards is voluntary, Inteco expects a wi...

Chinese imports lower Costa Rica’s cement price by 20%

30 September 2015, Published under Cement News

Construction costs in Costa Rica are lower due to the import of Chinese cement, according to local news service La Republica. Chinese imports retail at around 20 per cent below cement produced locally by Cemex and Holcim. However, to date the imported cement has not received certification of compliance with domestic standards although initial samples have proved positive. Cement is imported from Sinocem via local company JCB. Sinocem exports nearly 2Mta to various destinations. Cement im...

Cemex Latin American Holdings held back by weaker cement sales in Colombia

24 April 2015, Published under Cement News

Cemex Latin American Holdings' turnover declined by 16.3 per cent in first quarter of the year to US$353.8m and EBITDA fell by 20.3 per cent to US$112.4m. At the trading level there was a 23.6 per cent reduction to US$90.2m. After an interest charge 15.6 per cent lower at US$20.6m and other items, the pre-tax profit declined by 23.3 per cent to US$72.3m and the net attributable profit came off by 19.8 per cent to US$43.8m. Net debt at the end of March was 8.8 per cent lower than a year ea...

Costa Rica: cement price rises up to 5% at end-2014

07 January 2015, Published under Cement News

The price of cement rose by 4.3-5 per cent at the end of December 2014, depending on supplier, according to the national daily La Nacion. The first to adjust prices, by five per cent upwards, was Cemex on 22 December, followed five days later by Holcim, which increased prices by 4.3 per cent. Both companies have attributed the increase to a rise in inflation, which reached 5.13 per cent at the end of 2014. Randall Murillo, executive director of the Costa Rican Chamber of Construction (CCC...


06 January 2015, Published under Cement News

Cemex is restarting work on expanding the Tepeaca works in the state of Puebla, Mexico, that was halted in 2008, with a view of completing the expansion in 2017. This will require an additional US$200m to be spent on top of the US$450m spent up to 2008. When the work is completed, it is expected to raise Tepeaca’s capacity from the current 3.2 to 7.6Mta.   Cemex is building a new cement works in Colombia for completion in 2017. The equipment for the new Cementera del Magdalena Medio cement ...

Cemex to increase capacity of Costa Rica cement works

19 December 2014, Published under Cement News

Cemex Latam Holdings (CLH) is to increase cement capacity of its plant located in Colorado, Costa Rica by approximately 25 per cent, reaching a capacity of 1.1Mta by 2017. The total investment is expected to be approximately US$35m over a three-year period including the construction of a new grinding mill, as well as several capacity enhancing projects on its clinker production line. “With this increased capacity we will strengthen our position in Costa Rica, reiterating our commitment t...

Colombia boosts Cemex Latin American Holdings

18 July 2014, Published under Cement News

First-half turnover at Cemex Latin American Holdings improved by 6.1 per cent to US$864m while EBITDA declined by 7.5 per cent to US$283.1m. At the trading level there was a 9.5 per cent reduction to US$235.6m. After a net interest charge 19 per cent lower at US$47.6m, the pretax profit emerged 4.8 per cent lower at US$184.2m. The net attributable profit declined by 14.3 per cent to US$121.2m. Net debt at the end of June was 12.3 per cent lower than a year earlier at US$1,237m, giving...

Cemex LatAm Holdings sees growing cement shipments in Colombia

30 April 2014, Published under Cement News

Cemex Latin American Holdings' turnover increased by 10.3 per cent in first quarter of the year to US$422.8m, but the EBITDA was just 0.2 per cent ahead at US$141m. The increase at the trading level was 2.4 per cent to US$118.1m. After a net interest charge 17 per cent lower at US$24.4m, the pretax profit did improve by 13.3 per cent to US$94.3m and the net attributable profit more than doubled to US$54.6m. Net debt at the end of March was 18.5 per cent lower than a year earlier at US$123...

Cemex Latin America cement shipments edge ahead, grows stronger downstream

24 October 2013, Published under Cement News

Cemex Latin American Holdings' turnover for the first nine months of the year advanced by eight per cent to US$1287.8m, while the EBITDA increased by 16.2 per cent to US$474.4m. The increase at the trading level was a little less at 14.1 per cent to US$405.4m. After a net interest charge of US$86.8m, the pre-tax profit amounted to US$309.1m. Net debt at the end of September stood at US$1345m, to give a gearing level of 94.7 per cent, with 88 per cent of the total gross debt being denomina...

Cemex Latin American Holdings recovers in 2Q

25 July 2013, Published under Cement News

Cemex Latin American Holdings' first-half turnover improved by 2.8 per cent to US$814m and the EBITDA rose by 12.2 per cent to US$306.4m. The increase at the trading level was a somewhat more modest 7.3 per cent to US$260.3m. After a net interest charge of US$58.8m, the pre-tax profit emerged at US$193.4m. Net debt at the end of June stood at US$1411m, giving a gearing level of 103.9 per cent. Cement shipments in the period was 1.7 per cent lower at 3.62Mt, while aggregates deliveries wer...