Cement News tagged under: East Africa

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East Africa rises

05 November 2014, Published under Cement News

East Africa’s cement demand continues to rise as infrastructure and housing needs provide the basis for future consumption. While cement capacity investments continue, a shift in the make-up of ownership is being seen as local companies take up a more prominent position. By Francis Mwangi, Standard Investment Bank Ltd, Kenya. The emerging East African market is characterised by new capacities, growing exports and growing consumption trends Over the past decade, the east African ...

Kenya: Savannah Cement to widen its east African sales

21 October 2014, Published under Cement News

Savannah Cement has confirmed plans to develop its business to the wider east African market as part of its regional integration support. The project will see the company pursue sales opportunities in all the east African countries by next year, the firm’s Managing Director, Ronald Ndegwa, has said. “Savannah Cement’s overall corporate development is anchored on a regional market coverage strategy and we are glad that we have made good inroads in the respective east African markets,” Mr...

GCR affirms ARM Cement's ratings, outlook Stable

30 June 2014, Published under Cement News

Global Credit Ratings (GCR) has today affirmed the national scale ratings assigned to ARM Cement Ltd of A(KE) and A1(KE) in the long term and short term respectively. The outlook is Stable. GCR said the Kenyan cement producer's well-entrenched position in the East African cement industry has been augmented by an aggressive roll-out of capacity in the past five years. With the completion of the Tanga plant in Tanzania later this year, ARM will secure clinker sufficiency in FY14/FY15, which...

Plans for new Kenyan plant in the pipeline

19 May 2014, Published under Cement News

Construction materials supplier Karsan Ramji & Sons plan to set up a new cement production facility in Kenya. The KES426m (US$4.9m) plant is expected to produce an average of 700tpd for sale both locally and within the regional market, according to The East African. Karsan’s factory will be located in Athi River near other established cement producers ARM Cement Ltd, Savanna Cement Ltd, East Africa Portland Cement Company and Bamburi Cement Ltd. Envasses Environmental Consultants Ltd said ...

Turkish firm eyes Uganda investment

28 April 2014, Published under Cement News

Turkish-owned tourism and trading company, Kolin Construction, has expressed interest in Uganda’s cement manufacturing industry, according to local press reports. East African Business Week reported that Kolin Construction company chairman Naci Kologlu met Uganda's president Yoweri Museveni last week, stating:  “There are many opportunities and we think the cement industry is still not so crowded."President Museveni then reportedly asked the company to tap into the abundant raw material opp...

ARM expects new capacity to boost earnings

01 November 2013, Published under Cement News

Kenya’s ARM Cement said it expects earnings to increase at a faster pace this year thanks to its new capacity in Tanzania. In an interview with Reuters, ARM Cement’s chief executive, Pradeep Paunrana, told Reuters that the company is looking to increase its “top line and bottom line by 35 per cent over last year,” and expects similar growth next year regarding its expectations for profitability and sales.. The company commissioned a 0.75Mta grinding plant in the Tanzanian capital of Dar ...

Tanzanian producers call for reinstatement of EACUP import duties

02 September 2013, Published under Cement News

Cement producers in Tanzania are calling for the government to reinstate the East African Custom Union Protocol (EACUP) 2005 to protect the industry against an influx of imports. The Guadian reported that during a half-day seminar chaired by the ministry of Transport (drawing key industry players, contractors and media representatives) local cement producers said their profits have been declining due to an influx of alleged substandard products. Pascal Lesoinne, East African Cement Pro...

ARM Cement to spin off non-cement business

24 July 2013, Published under Cement News

Kenya-based ARM Cement plans to spin off and list non-cement business on the Nairobi bourse within three years. “We are very hopeful that in two to three years, we will have listed the new non-cement business and market it as an independent brand in the region,” managing director, said Pradeep Paunrana, adding that the company is laying grounds for the separation. “The businesses are intricately related and dependent, therefore, it would not be in the benefit of the company to have inde...

Hima Cement completes installation of new bag filter, Uganda

11 July 2013, Published under Cement News

Hima Cement Ltd, part of the Lafarge group, has completed the installation of new bag filter technology at its Kasese plant in Uganda to bring stack emissions in line with global environmental standards. "We invested significant resources to conduct environmental impact assessments to ensure that the plant operations met all the required environmental standards for its manufacturing processes and operations," Peter Robson, Hima Cement's Plant Manager told AllAfrica News. Hima installed a ...

Athi River calls for use of locally-manufactured product

01 July 2013, Published under Cement News

Athi River Mining Tanzania Ltd is seeking the government’s intervention to stop sub-standard imports entering the local market. Concerns have been raised recently over the quality of imports into the East Africa region amidst claims that some manufacturers are using local agents that are unqualified leading to sub-standard products. Calls have been made for all cement imports to be subject to the same technical standards and regulations as local cement. Rick Ashley, chairman of ARM Cem...