Cement News tagged under: Environmental

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US Mountain Cement pollution lawsuit

22 November 2004, Published under Cement News

Biodiversity Conservation Alliance has served notice to the Mountain Cement  Company that it intends to proceed with legal action if Mountain Cement  continues to operate in a manner that Biodiversity says is in gross violation of Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) permit guidelines. Mountain Cement contends that it is compliant with its permit  requirements, and that the violations are excused as start-ups, shutdowns  and malfunctions. Lawyers from both sides have met in ...

Leaders of Asian industries wake up to regional impact of global warming

22 November 2004, Published under Cement News

For decades, most Asian business leaders have dismissed concerns about the global environment . Such attitudes are starting to change. As they become integrated into the global trading system, big Asian companies are increasingly called to account over environmental and labour standards by foreign partners and customers. Chief executives, meanwhile, are confronted daily with direct evidence of environmental damage, including toxic smog in cities such as Beijing and Hong Kong. At a discree...

Towards alternative Cities, the green-friendly way

22 November 2004, Published under Cement News

Alarmed by the pace at which consumer-driven lifestyles are destroying the planet’s resources, a leading environmental body has set its sights on creating a green-friendly haven replete with houses, restaurants, shops and hotels.  Portugal will serve as the launching pad for these planned ’’eco-cities,’’ said officials from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) as they revealed the blueprint for the ’One Planet Living’ initiative in Bangkok, at a major conservation conference.  The 4340 hectares of ...

$500,000 needed to save Saylor cement kilns

19 November 2004, Published under Cement News

A group of people interested in saving Coplay’s kilns have formed an organization to raise money for the effort.  The Saylor Cement Kilns Preservation Society must raise $500,000 to save the kilns, which date to the late 1890s. The society has formed an interim board of directors and is seeking nonprofit status, said Coplay Borough President Beverly Miller, also a member of the interim board.  The group must raise between $200,000 and $230,000 by March 31, 2005, to receive matching funds from...

Plan could put end to daily trips to Michigan landfill

19 November 2004, Published under Cement News

Canada’s York Region’s great hope to stop sending household trash to Michigan, United States in the next few years is a two-inch long, hard brown, mottled cylinder.  That’s what our garbage looks like when drained of all moisture, shredded, mixed with "high heating value" material so it will burn and then pulverized into a pellet cement factories can use as fuel.  It’s a plan untested in Canada. But Borealis, an investment arm of a municipal employees’ pension fund, has Vaughan eager to host...

Going green with better quality tyres

19 November 2004, Published under Cement News

Most of a tyre’s environmental impact occurs during its actual use rather than during disposal as is commonly believed. This is due to the phenomenon of rolling resistance which affects fuel consumption and engine emissions. This find has prompted Michelin to develop new “low rolling resistance” technologies that save fuel.  Michelin, which produced over 180 million tyres in 74 plants in 18 countries last year, has reduced the rolling resistance in its tyres by up to 30%; this translates to ...

Experts see states as force in fighting global warming

19 November 2004, Published under Cement News

With the re-election of President Bush, state governments and big business will likely be the biggest forces pushing policies and developing innovative technologies aimed at reducing US emissions of the gases scientists say are causing global warming. That forecast by leaders in the environmental and business communities is based on the Bush administration’s opposition to the Kyoto Protocol, the international agreement that seeks to cut the amount of so-called greenhouse gases that enter the...

China publishes greenhouse gas emissions

19 November 2004, Published under Cement News

On Tuesday China reported its emissions of greenhouse gases to the United Nations for the first time. In 1994, the country emitted 2.6 billion tonnes of CO2 alone. Only figures from 1990 or 1994 were available in the official Chinese report. According to Terra Daily, China said it emitted 2.6 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide, 34.29 million tonnes of methane and 850,000 tonnes of nitrous oxide. These emissions levels are expected to increase rapidly, however, as the economy and energy consump...

WB to support Romania’s transport development

19 November 2004, Published under Cement News

The World Bank Board of Directors has approved two loans for Romania amounting to US$ 275m for the Transport Restructuring System and other projects. The Transport Restructuring Project, in the amount of US$ 225m, will be implemented over the next 5 years. It has two major components: improvement of roads infrastructure and the railway system. Under the roads component, much needed bypass roads will be constructed in at least 5 big cities in Romania - Brasov, Bacau, Targu Mures, Reghin a...

Essroc Cement vows to reduce dust problem

19 November 2004, Published under Cement News

Essroc Cement Corp. officials assured the Nazareth Area Citizens Advisory Committee on Wednesday that they plan to address recent complaints about excessive dust coming from the company’s plants along Route 248 – reports the New Jersey Express Times.  Nazareth Borough Council President Daniel Chiavaroli said residents have been complaining about the dirt. "This year’s dust seems to be worse than last year’s dust," Chiavaroli said. An increase in truck traffic is at least partly to blame, ...