Trial production has got underway at Dangote’s new 2.5Mta integrated cement plant in Ethiopia. F...
Trial production has got underway at Dangote’s new 2.5Mta integrated cement plant in Ethiopia. F...
Dangote Cement has inaugurated its US$480m integrated cement works in Ethiopia in the presence o...
Dangote Cement Plc began trial production of cement last week at its 2.5Mta cement works in Ethi...
Dangote Cement’s new plant in Ethiopia will open in May this year, helping to close the gap betw...
Ethiopia’s Ministry of Industry is drafting a national cement industry development strategy that...
Dangote Cement expects its new plant in Ethiopia to begin test production by the end of March th...
ASEC Engineering and Management, a subsidiary of Egypt's Qalaa Holdings (formerly Citadel Capita...
PPC’s earnings in the six months to the end of March 2015 could tumble by between 25 and 45 per ...
A Qatari business group led by Sheikh Fahad Ahmed M T Al Thani has expressed an interest in con...
Discussions are being held by stakeholders on a draft 10-year cement development strategy for th...