Ultratech places follow-up order with Gebr Pfeiffer
As part of Ultratech Cement Ltd 's expansion drive, Gebr Pfeiffer SE (Germany) and its Indian ...
As part of Ultratech Cement Ltd 's expansion drive, Gebr Pfeiffer SE (Germany) and its Indian ...
Udaipur Cement Works Ltd ( JK Lakshmi Cement group ) has ordered a Gebr Pfeiffer MVR vertical ...
Lafarge Zimbabwe has completed the construction of a new mill that will double its cement manu...
Cimencam ( Holcim Group ) will expand production at its Figuil plant , Cameroon, and use Gebr...
As a follow-up to the state-of-the-art MVR mills recently supplied to Askari Cement's Nizampur p...
Gebr Pfeiffer has successfully commissioned third line for cement grinding for Mombasa Cement L...
Encouraged by healthy construction demand and promising growth potential, two regional cement ma...
SOBOCE recommenced operations at its Warnes cement plant in Bolivia on 14 June after a BOB222m (...
Gebr Pfeiffer is again delivering an MVR vertical mill to Burkina Faso. The vertical mill t...
Gallantt Industry has ordered the first ready2grind plant for the Indian subcontinent from Gebr ...