Cement News tagged under: Spain

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Spanish firms to pay fine on northern cartel

16 January 2012, Published under Cement News

A number of Spanish cement companies have been imposed with a fine worth over EUR11.09m by Spanish competition watchdog, CNC, for setting up a cartel in northern Spain. Cements Portland was ordered to pay a fine of EUR5.72m, followed by Beriain (EUR2.5m), Cetya (EUR1.14m), Vresa (EUR959, 277) and Cemex Espana (EUR502, 283), Cinco Dias reported.

Spanish full year cement consumption falls 17.2%

13 January 2012, Published under Cement News

Spain has witnessed a double-digit decline in full year 2011 cement consumption of 17.2 per cent to 20.2Mt compared to 24.5Mt in 2010, latest data from Oficemen shows. Cement production, meanwhile, fell by 16 per cent to 22Mt and clinker output was down 14.2 per cent to 18.2Mt.   Exports of 3.8Mt were similar to those registered in 2011, while imports were down 39.2 per cent.   Regionally, the decline in cement consumption was more pronounced in Catalonia and the West (-21.3 per cent and 2...

Cementos Portland announces two board members, Spain

13 January 2012, Published under Cement News

Spanish cement producer Cementos Portland Valderrivas has approved the nominations of Juan Bejar and Jose Manuel Burgos as board members. They will replace Rafael Martinez-Ynzenga Canovas del Castillo and Feliciano Fuster. Juan Bejar currently occupies the post of executive chairman at domestic motorway operator Globalvia. Jose Manuel Burgos, in turn, is a vice-chairman at real estate firm GMP.