Cement News tagged under: Trading

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Pakistan receives cement orders

21 September 2004, Published under Cement News

Pakistan cement companies have received orders of over 250,000t of cement from Iraq. According to Vice Chairman All Pakistan Cement Manufacturers Association, Babar Bashir, he said Attock Cement received orders of 50,000t and DG Khan Cement received orders for 200,000t. Chief Financial Officer DG Khan Cement Inayatullah Niazi told local reporters that out of 200,000t, some 100,000t has been finalised, He noted his company has already sent 4500t of cement and was aiming to send 15,000t to...

Ministry to control retail cement price

21 September 2004, Published under Cement News

The Qatar Ministry of Economy and Commerce is likely to take steps to control the retail prices of cement, steel and gravel which are said to be in short supply in the local market due to a boom-led demand. Currently, studies are being conducted on supply and demand of these key building industry materials, according to Al Sharq.  The daily quoted unnamed sources in the ministry as saying that the studies being carried out are for the purpose of determining if these materials are available in...

Continued squeeze on cement supply

20 September 2004, Published under Cement News

China’s demand for cement is still being blamed for US cement shortages with Florida particulalrly hard hit. America imports about 20 percent of the cement used here, but Florida, the hottest building market in the nation, imports about 40 percent of its supplies. Florida’s demand for cement is high because building codes require concrete framing materials to protect against hurricane damage.  Before this year’s hurricanes, the NAHB said its survey of builders showed 41 percent of respondent...

Cement prices soar despite flat demand

20 September 2004, Published under Cement News

Indian cement makers seem to have finally succeeded in delinking their price realisations to demand growth. In August this year, cement prices galloped by double digits despite a flat demand, owing to good rains across the country.  On a year-on-year basis, cement despatches during last month increased by a mere 0.3%. The retail prices during the month, however, jumped by over 12% on a national average basis. Prices are up 10-14% in Delhi, Kolkata and Mumbai, and by 4% in Chennai. In Ahmedab...

Cement prices set to rise

16 September 2004, Published under Cement News

Retail prices for cement are likely to soar after industry leader, Bamburi Cement, announced a price increase. The move, which took effect on Monday, is yet another blow to the building industry, which is still reeling under cost inflation triggered by a global construction boom and rising oil prices. Industry players yesterday blamed the increment on the rising cost of electricity, gas, diesel and coal. Bamburi Cement spends about 47 per cent of its running costs on fuel, including the furn...

Cemex CEO calls legal protections in Philippines weak

10 September 2004, Published under Cement News

The head of Mexican cement giant Cemex SA (CX) complained Thursday about a recent tiff with the government of the Philippines, one of more than a dozen countries where the company operates.  On Aug. 12, the Philippines’ Department of Trade and Industry ordered Cemex unit Solid Cement Corp. to stop selling cement after its products failed government quality standard testing. The testing was conducted at the request of the Department of Public Works and Highways, which uses Solid Cement’s Isla...

Jordan’s cement prices

09 September 2004, Published under Cement News

Jordan’s ministry is contemplating legal action against increase in cement prices. Jordan Cement Factories Company (JCFC) recently increased the price of cement to JOD 63 per tonne from JOD 60 per tonne. JFCC in a press release said that the price was inevitable due to the increasing input costs, especially because of a 35% increase in fuel prices since the beginning of 2004. JCFC General Manager Samer Biriqadar revealed to The Jordan Times that while the input costs had increased by JOD 5 JC...

Egyptian Cement Output in May

09 September 2004, Published under Cement News

Egypt’s cement output reached 2.439Mt in May 2004, down from 2.502Mt in April 2004, the Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) said in a report.  Local cement sales totalled 2.177Mt in May 2004, compared to 2.295Mt in April 2004 and 2.505Mt in March 2004.  Egypt exported 505,000t of cement in May 2004, against 1.075Mt and 1.205Mt in April and March 2004 respectively.  Egypt’s cement output stood at 28.945Mt in 2003. Local consumption totalled 26.602Mt during the year, while exports stood at 7.172Mt.

Govt sets 40% tariff on imports

08 September 2004, Published under Cement News

Jamaica’s government has imposed a 40.0% tariff on cement imports for the next four years to protect local cement maker Caribbean Cement Company (CCC) while it undertakes a US$100m investment program, the Jamaica Observer reported.  In September 2003, CCC filed for protection from Jamaica’s antidumping and subsidies commission, claiming it was being hurt by imports and stating that it needed to be protected while it upgraded its plant. The commission initially recommended a temporary tar...

Katav Cement releases Jan-Aug 2004 output

08 September 2004, Published under Cement News

Katav Cement (based in the Chelyabinsk region, Russia) produced 514,500t of cement in Jan-Aug 2004, a 5-fold rise versus the figure posted in the same period 2003. The plant also made 35,500 tons of special packaged products, a more than 2-fold increase as compared to Jan-Aug 2003, Eurocement press service reported.