Cement News tagged under: Turkmenistan

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Turkmenistan starts production of sulphate-resistant cement

28 January 2020, Published under Cement News

A report in the Neutral Turkmenistan newspaper says that a cement plant in Balkanabat, Turkmenistan, has mastered the production of sulphate-resistant cement. This is the first time that the country has produced sulphate-resistant cement. The first batch of 7000t of sulphate-resistant cement was recently produced with Jebel Cement factory as likely production location. The Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, in cooperation with specialists from the Ministry ...

Turkmenistan president calls for three more cement plants

22 November 2019, Published under Cement News

Turkmenistan’s President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has instructed the Türkmensenagat State Agency that three new cement plants must be built in the country through foreign investment. President Berdimuhamedov stated the plants are required to satisfy domestic and export demand for cement, while also highlighting the necessity to reconstruct outdated enterprises.

Lebap Cement Factory exports 0.24Mta

13 November 2019, Published under Cement News

Turkmenistan-based Lebap Cement Factory, owned by Polimeks Insaat, exported around 0.24Mta of cement, or 32.5 per cent of its production, in the first 10 months of 2019, according to Business Turkmenistan. The 1.4Mta cement plant also achieved an output of 0.739Mt, valued at over TMT109m, between January-October 2019. It produces sulphate-resistant M-400 and M-500 cement. Last year, it produced more than 0.935Mt of cement.

Turkmenistan's Lebap plant begins testing new cement products

09 September 2019, Published under Cement News

Turkmenistan’s Lebap cement has begun test production of M-400 D-20 and M-500 D-20 cement, which includes ground basalt powder as a locally-sourced additive. Currently the most popular products in the market are M-400, M-500 and M-400 sulphate-resistant cement. Kelyata Plant also produces drilling Portland cement (DPC)-1-100 for use in the oil and gas industry. So far this year, Lebap has exported around 160,000t of cement to Uzbekistan and Afghanistan.

Turkmenistan starts sulphate-resistant cement production

29 January 2019, Published under Cement News

Turkmenistan has produced its first batch of 7000t of sulphate-resistant cement from local materials, according to Trend. The cement was produced at a cement plant in Balkanabat, using iron oxide from a local iron ore deposit. The Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, in cooperation with specialists from the Ministry of Industry and Turkmengeologiya State Corp, explored the possibility of using the natural resources of the Tuarkyr mining region, particularly ...

Turkmenistan's Lebap cement plant meets high demand

17 December 2018, Published under Cement News

Turkmenistan’s Lebap cement plant has fulfilled its annual objective and produced over 1Mta of material. The plant’s products are in high demand domestically, but also internationally, according to Neitralnii Turkmenistan . This year almost 250,000t of cement has been shipped to Uzbekistan and Afghanistan. Furthermore, another 1Mta plant project is in the pipeline for the region. The country’s Ministry of Industry has issued an investment tender for the provision of the project design a...

Turkmenistan: new building material import facility planned

06 July 2016, Published under Cement News

The Turkmen Industry Ministry is planning an enterprise for the import of high-demand building materials. The project is expected to be implemented jointly with the country's Milli Onum Company, according to Azernews. The new enterprise is expected to produce about 100,000t of gypsum, 250,000t of dry building mixes as well as 12Mm 2 of gypsum plasterboard annually on the basis of domestic raw materials. Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, underlined the importance of expa...

Iran: Turkmenistan exports reach US$1bn

24 June 2016, Published under Cement News

Deputy Minister of Industry, Valiollah Afkhamirad has said that the country's exports to Turkmenistan have reached US$1bn. He added that Tehran is seeking now more than ever to secure its position in the Ashgabat market. According to Mr Afkhamirad, Iran holds the highest record of exports to Turkmenistan among the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Turkmenistan looks to increase production capacity

03 February 2016, Published under Cement News

President of Turkmenistan, Gurbanguly Berdimuhammadov, has called on relevant government ministers to consider possibilities of increasing cement production in the country, the Turkmen Altyn Asyr TV channel reported. The move is expected to see the construction of mini cement plants in the country, with the head of the Turkmen state saying that the private sector should be provided with the necessary assistance to obtain loans for the establishment of these projects as soon as possible. ...

Opening ceremony held for new Lebap cement works, Turkmenistan

21 February 2013, Published under Cement News

Turkish company Polimeks Insaat Taahhüt ve San Tic AS has inaugurated its Lepab Cement Factory which is set to help meet growing domestic demand due to the construction boom in Turkmenistan. The opening ceremony, according to reports in the Turkish press, was held in the presence of  President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov of Turkmenistan and President Viktor Yanukovich of Ukraine. The cement works is located in the Turkmenabad region, close to the Uzbekistan and Afghanistan border. The facili...