Cement News tagged under: Western Europe

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Norcem temporarily halts production at plants

22 March 2022, Published under Cement News

Norway-based Norcem has suspended operations at its Brevik and Kjøpsvik plants due to annual scheduled maintenance work and the crash of a central mill engine at Kjøpsvik. In addition, a supplier who should have carried out some of the maintenance work dropped out. Part of the production has been replaced by imports. CEO John Sunde says the company expects stocks to cleared but was unable to say for how long.

Spain's cement sector closes plants as energy prices rocket

18 March 2022, Published under Cement News

This week Spain's cement industry reacted to rising energy prices with the temporary closure of several cement plants. Cementos Portland Valderrivas, Tudela Veguin and FYM-HeidelbergCement have all taken action, calling upon the Spanish government to address the high electricity prices, which have been further aggravated by the war in Ukraine. ICR looks at the background to Spain's energy price spike and Oficemen's news on the latest market results. Spanish cement consumption grew by 14 p...

Titan Cement records revenue growth of EUR1714.6m in 2021

18 March 2022, Published under Cement News

Titan Cement Group generated record revenues of EUR1714.6m, up 6.7 per cent from 2020, reflecting higher demand and a supportive pricing environment. EBITDA declined by 4.6 per cent to EUR272.4m. Net profit after taxes and minorities (NPAT) climbed to EUR89.6m (EUR1.1m in 2020 and EUR50.9m in 2019). Thanks to a successful refinancing strategy the group lowered significantly its finance costs for a third consecutive year to EUR33.6m (EUR19m lower than 2020 and EUR30m lower than 2019).   ...

FYM-HeidelbergCement temporarily shuts down Málaga clinker production

18 March 2022, Published under Cement News

The FYM - HeidelbergCement Group cement plant in Málaga, of which the sale to Votorantim Cimentos is being finalised, will stop its clinker production until the end of March. The company said the step was necessary due to the “unhealthy costs of electricity that tax the cost of production since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine." The CEO of FYM-HeidelbergCement Group, Jesús Ortiz, attributes the high cost of electricity in Spain to the “marginal pricing” used for charging...

EC agrees on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)

17 March 2022, Published under Cement News

The European Council (EC) has reached agreement (general approach) on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) regulation, which is one of the key elements of the European Union’s ‘Fit for 55’ package. The main objective of this environmental measure is to avoid carbon leakage. It will also encourage partner countries to establish carbon pricing policies to fight climate change. For that purpose, CBAM targets imports of carbon-intensive products, in full compliance with inter...

Spanish cement demand expands 14% in February

17 March 2022, Published under Cement News

Cement consumption in Spain increased 14 per cent YoY to 1,269,455t, representing the best sales in February in the last five years, according to Oficemen, the Spanish cement association. “The cement industry is experiencing an energy emergency situation. Currently, almost half of the kilns in the sector have had to stop as a result of the high electricity costs derived from the war,” explained the association’s General Director, Aniceto Zaragoza. “Now that the European Commission has alr...

Cementos Molins Industrial invests EUR2.2m in environmental improvements

16 March 2022, Published under Cement News

Cementos Molins Industrial 's long history of commitment to the protection of the natural and environmental surroundings has been made clear in 2021 through an investment of EUR2.2m in different facilities at the Sant Vicenç dels Horts factory, Spain. The main actions related to sustainable development and continuous improvement have been aimed at increasing energy efficiency, applying circular economy practices and controlling emissions into the atmosphere. In addition to the completion...

Lafarge France invests EUR46m to reduce carbon emissions

16 March 2022, Published under Cement News

To produce cements with a reduced carbon impact in its plants in Saint-Pierre-la-Cour (Mayenne) and Bouc-Bel-Air (Bouches-du-Rhône), Lafarge France (Holcim group) will invest EUR46m. These investments are part of the group-wide strategy to accelerate green growth. By 2025, 25 per cent of sales of ready-to-use concrete will have to come from the ‘EcoPAct’ range, launched three years ago around so-called ‘low-carbon’ products.

Christian Pfeiffer supplies Dyckerhoff's Deuna cement plant

16 March 2022, Published under Cement News

In December Christian Pfeiffer delivered a mill head with welded-on mill shot for a raw mill for Dyckerhoff ’s Deuna cement plant in Germany. Due to the on-time delivery the assembly started according to schedule. The customer reused the trunnion and the assembly was completed successfully.  

British Rema transfers ownership to employees

15 March 2022, Published under Cement News

In a move that demonstrates genuine belief in rewarding loyal staff, manufacturing and engineering business British Rema  has transferred ownership of its group of companies into the newly-formed British Rema Employee Ownership Trust. Sole beneficiaries of this trust are current and future employees of the company.   The business relies heavily on the commitment and specialist skills and knowhow of its staff.   In 2019 financial advisors Grant Thornton introduced the idea of forming an...