Cement News tagged under: cement prices

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Malaysian raw material costs push up cement prices

23 March 2022, Published under Cement News

The current cement price in Malaysia has been hiked due to increases in the cost of raw materials, especially coal in   the international market, says Sharuddin Omar Hashim, Cement Industries of Malaysia Berhad (CIMA) . Coal prices have escalated by 30-40 per cent of the cost of cement production, which has necessitated the final product price rises. "Coal prices were previously in the range of US$60/t to US$70/t, but have now increased to US$200/t and could possibly reach up to US$400/...

Cement producers raise prices in Vietnam

18 March 2022, Published under Cement News

Cement manufacturers have raised prices by VND100,000-150,000 (US$4.40-6.60) /t, or by 5.5-8.3 per cent, in Vietnam, claiming production costs have risen.   Ha Tien 1 Cement JSC, a subsidiary of the Vietnam National Cement Corporation ( VICEM ), announced a hike of VND100,000/t to VND1,800,000/t for its Vicem Ha Tien brand of packed cement with effect from 23 March. Hoang Long Cement JSC has increased its prices by VND120,000 and Thanh Thang Group Cement JSC has hiked the pri...

Honduran price hike cancelled

13 January 2022, Published under Cement News

The HNL10 (US$0.41) increase in the price of cement in Honduras, effective from 1 January 2022, has been cancelled following an agreement between private firms committee, Cohep, construction companies, cement firms and the Honduran government. ANDI, CHICO, Cementos del Norte, Cementos Wang Peng and Ultracem agreed to maintain the price of cement to its pre-2022 level.

Pan-Indian cement prices fall by 5% in December

10 January 2022, Published under Cement News

Cement prices declined by an average pan-Indian rate of five per cent MoM in December 2021, according to Emkay Global Financial Services. Prices declined 6-7 per cent MoM in the east and south, while prices in other regions fell by 3-4 per cent, according to the report, while industry volumes likely increased by 25 per cent MoM. Emkay Global Financial Services said all regions are likely to have witnessed 20-30 per cent MoM volume growth. There should be a YoY demand improvement in Dec...

Honduran cement price rise alarms construction industry

10 January 2022, Published under Cement News

Members of the Honduran Chamber of the Construction Industry (CHICO) have demanded that the cement industry explains the reasons for a HNL10 (US$0.41) price increase for a bag of cement in the domestic market. "We hope to see what solid substantive arguments will be presented by the cement companies when I understand that an agreement had been reached to leave said increase on stand-by, taking into account what the Honduran people are experiencing," said Osmín Bautista, who heads up the ch...

TCL increases cement prices by 15%

14 December 2021, Published under Cement News

Trinidad Cement Ltd (Cemex group) has announced an ex-factory cement price increase of approximately 15 per cent. The price increase becomes effective on 20 December 2021. TCL said: “We have been absorbing rising input costs for a long time and are now unable to continue to maintain our prices. The main attributing cost factors are natural gas, imported spares ad other raw materials that go into the manufacturing the highest quality cement brands, which you represent. "We assure you th...

Cameroon minister accuses cement producers of price-fixing

13 December 2021, Published under Cement News

In a correspondence sent to the managing directors of various cement producing firms on 9 December 2021, Minister of Commerce, Luc Magloire Mbarga Atangana, denounced an illegal agreement to increase the prices of the products. "It has come to my attention, through written communications of which I have copies, that ypu unnanmously and unilaterally decidd to increase your sales prices  by XAF500 (US$0.86) and 300 per cent depending on the type of cement," the government official wrote. T...

Zimbabwe to keep imports flowing

10 December 2021, Published under Cement News

This week, Zimbabwe's cement market opted to keep import permits in response to increasing cement shortages. Zimbabwe’s cement sector has been stretched and reliance on Lafarge Cement (Holcim group) and PPC, the top two domestic producers, has led to the current situation where imports have become a necessity to complete private and public building projects. The immediate cement shortage in the country has been exacerbated by Lafarge Cement’s plant breakdown, where a roof collapsed on a ...

Honduran cement prices frozen until end of 2021

08 December 2021, Published under Cement News

The price of a cement bag in Honduras will remain the same until 31 December 2021, according to the country’s Secretary of Economic Development (SDE), the Honduran Council of Private Enterprise (COHEP) and the Honduran Chamber of Industry and Construction (CHICO). The head of the SDE, María Antonia Rivera, said that "the most important thing is to maintain the stabilisation of the price that was applied on November 30, which will be maintained for 30 days and we are going to create the wor...

Indian cement demand likely to rise as rains recede

06 December 2021, Published under Cement News

Heavy rains in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and parts of Maharashtra dragged down cement volumes across sectors at the start of the peak season for the industry which runs from October until May, but c ement companies expect demand and consumption to pick up from December as the rains fade. "Slowly demand is coming back to normal across all sectors. In a week or so we may even see pent-up demand coming back," said M Ravinder Reddy, director at Bharathi Cement told the Business...