ACC launches Bagcrete
ACC Ltd has launched Bagcrete, a pre-blended and high-quality concrete for all types of constr...
ACC Ltd has launched Bagcrete, a pre-blended and high-quality concrete for all types of constr...
UK-based National Grid and its contractor Hochtief-Murphy Joint Venture (HMJV) have completed w...
Vulcan Materials has reported revenue of US$1649m in the opening quarter of 2023, up from US$15...
Using a special 3D concrete printing material from Heidelberg Materials , the largest 3D printe...
Representatives of more than 75 renowned academic institutions and businesses from across the wo...
This week ICR looks at the fast-changing world of construction and the attempts to make it more ...
Holcim and Seqens, a leading provider of social housing in France, are partnering to build Rec...
Holcim has supplied more than 120,000m 3 of its ECOPact low-carbon concrete to a tunnel proje...
Australia-based Adbri released its 2022 financial results this week and reported a YoY revenue i...
Pan-United Corp Ltd is driving sustainable change in Singapore’s built environment with the use ...