Cement News tagged under: decarbonisation

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Work accelerates on Slite CCS plant

22 February 2023, Published under Cement News

Cementa ( Heidelberg Materials group ) is accelerating work to establish a full-scale carbon capture and storage (CCS) facility on Gotland, Sweden. The project, Slite CCS, is one of Sweden's most comprehensive climate change initiatives and is now being planned in a feasibility study. The goal is to transform the Swedish cement industry by 2030. When the CCS facility is ready in 2030, it will capture and store the Slite plant's total emissions of upwards of 1.8Mt aof CO 2 . This correspo...

Holcim Spain invests EUR8m in AF at Toledo plant

22 February 2023, Published under Cement News

Holcim España has invested EUR8m in expanding its alternative fuel facilities at its Villaluenga de la Sagra cement plant in Toledo, Castilla-La Mancha province. The investment enables the plant to achieve a thermal substitution rate of 85 per cent and manage around 100,000t of waste. As a result, the Villaluenga de la Sagra works will reduce its CO 2 emissions by more than 30,000tpa. Carmen Díaz, CEO of Holcim España, said: “With this new module, we celebrate another step in our green ...

Hoffmann Green signs contract with property developer

20 February 2023, Published under Cement News

Hoffmann Green Cement has announced the signature of a three-year contract including volume commitments with Belin Promotion, a historical property developer located in the southwest of France. From 2023 and for the next three years, Hoffmann Green Cement will supply Belin Promotion with its zero per cent carbon-free clinker cements for the construction of several collective and tertiary housing units. Active in Toulouse, Bordeaux and Bayonne, this contract will enable Belin Promo...

CEMBUREAU calls for debate on CO2 utilisation

14 February 2023, Published under Cement News

CEMBUREAU, the European cement association, has reacted to the 2041 phase-out date for industrial CO 2 in the European Commission draft Delegated Act (ECDA) on renewable fuels of non-biological origin (RFNBOs). “By proposing an arbitrary deadline on the use of industrial CO 2 , the European Commission severely restricts the deployment of carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) in the cement sector”, commented Koen Coppenholle, CEO of CEMBUREAU. “We regret that this phase-out date was establ...

SaltX invests in electric calcination demonstration facility

14 February 2023, Published under Cement News

SaltXis is investing about SEK50m (US$4.8m) in an industrial electric calcination demonstration plant. This follows successful and verified tests for manufacturing climate-neutral lime and SMA Mineral’s pre-order of the first electric calcination factory. Since autumn 2021 SaltX Technology has been conducting test operations for its electric calcination technology. In 2022 the company scaled up its operations to a pilot facility. After successful tests to produce climate-neutral lime and ...

How best to tackle decarbonisation now?

10 February 2023, Published under Cement News

This week Carbon Re released its 'Three technologies to reduce climate change' white paper that provides recommendations to plant owners to reduce energy consumption. While there is good news in that Carbon Re identifies 13 technologies that can make a combined impact on cement plant decarbonisation to reduce global CO 2 emissions by 0.8Gta in the next decade, it will rely on policymakers and outside investment to achieve such significant reductions. Over 80 per cent of the savings ...

Tarmac participates in UK's Cement 2 Zero project

09 February 2023, Published under Cement News

Cement 2 Zero (C2Z), a UK-based demonstrator project to trial the world’s first zero-emissions cement on an industrial scale, was officially launched this week having successfully conducted the first in a series of pilot-scale melts. Tarmac ( CRH Group ) is among the project participants to represent the cement sector. The innovative project, which secured GBP6.5m (EUR6.75m) of government funding from UKRI as part of the Transforming Foundation Industries Challenge, aims to further a...

Mitchell cement plant receives US$8.9m for carbon storage project

08 February 2023, Published under Cement News

Heidelberg Materials North America is to receive approximately US$8.9m in funding from the US Department of Energy’s (DOE) Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (CarbonSAFE) initiative, to study the subsurface geology for suitability for the storage of CO 2 at its new state-of-the-art cement plant in Mitchell, Indiana. Heidelberg Materials is contributing about US$1.5m in funding while the prime contractor, Illinois State Geological Survey at the University of Illinois (ISGS) wi...

Votorantim Cimentos: decarbonisation through SCMs

07 February 2023, Published under Cement News

The use of supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) in blended cements produced by Votorantim Cimentos has enabled the company to advance its decarbonisation journey. Blended cement from its Laranjeiras works in Brazil has proven to be the preferred choice for infrastructure projects due to the enhanced durability of concrete. By Silvia Vieira, Votorantim Cimentos, Brazil. Figure 1: contributions from different decarbonisation strategies in achieving the cement and concrete sect...

Carbon Re report assesses technologies for decarbonisation

07 February 2023, Published under Cement News

New research by Carbon Re has found that the cement industry could deploy a combination of 13 existing technologies to reduce CO 2 emissions by 0.8Gt per year.   What’s more, the combination of just three technologies can deliver 81 per cent of this impact, according to the Carbon Re report “Three technologies to reduce climate change” . These are: Substitute Cementitious Materials (SCM), biomass and waste alternative fuels and the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to improve processes...