Cement News tagged under: drilling

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Extending quarry life

18 June 2018, Published under Cement News

Although a key part of the cement plant, the quarry has a finite lifetime. Its longevity often depends on which material grades are required and how the faces are worked to quarry such materials. Therefore, a well-designed quarry plan can help extend the life of this valuable asset. By Fabio Coletta, Whitehopleman, UK. Figure 1: as a first step in extending quarry life, a suitable raw mix needs to be defined The life of a cement plant quarry is limited in time but can be extende...

Quarry efficiency

30 September 2015, Published under Cement News

The quarry is often an undervalued and overlooked aspect of cement manufacture. However, the quarry is where it all begins as the quality of the cement starts here. With the right long-term plan in place, a number of steps can be taken to enhance quarrying efficiency, optimise operations and reduce costs. By John Kline & Charles Kline, Kline Consulting LLC, USA. Figure 1: checklists for quarry operators – years of reserves should always be known Before starting any quarry optimi...