Cement News tagged under: environmental

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Water problems blamed on cement firm

08 November 2004, Published under Cement News

An Onoway-area man appeared before the provincial Environmental Appeal Board Friday alleging Lafarge Canada is responsible for the decline in groundwater under his property. Lafarge uses holding and settling ponds to filter out sediments accumulated by the washing of gravel. Pond water is recycled when it seeps back into groundwater aquifers. Northcott said higher levels of heavy metals and a drop in the level of his well have occurred since the late 1990s. He blamed Lafarge, alleging the...

St Lawrence Cement Greenport project

03 November 2004, Published under Cement News

St. Lawrence Cement has been engaged for the past several years in the process of obtaining the necessary permits for a replacement cement plant in Greenport, New York. The proposed Greenport plant would replace St. Lawrence’s existing plant in Catskill, NY, constructively improving air quality in the region. On October 21, the Company announced that it will seek revised air permits that reduce the maximum limits on air emissions of annual gross tons of primary components of concern (PM, NOx...

Cement kiln emissions are under fire in Maine

02 November 2004, Published under Cement News

A Washington, DC-based environmental group has filed a lawsuit seeking to force the federal Environmental Protection Agency to comply with a previous court order to regulate air emissions from cement kilns nationwide, including the one at Dragon Products Co. in Thomaston. Earthjustice, which filed the lawsuit last week on behalf of the Sierra Club, says there are 137 producers of Portland cement in the United States. Portland cements, known for their levels of strength and durability, ar...

Cement factory hits target

01 November 2004, Published under Cement News

Lafarge Cement UK says it has met an environmental improvement target seven years ahead of schedule. The company, which operates the Westbury works, has cut emissions of dust per tonne of cement made at its factories to less than 30 percent of the levels recorded in 1990. Lafarge had set until 2013 to achieve the target, but announced the success in its annual environmental statement. National environment manager Danny Lawrence said: "Continually improving all aspects of our environmen...

Residents argue at Blue Circle burn plans

29 October 2004, Published under Cement News

Residents concerned about Blue Circle Southern Cement plant’s plan to burn alternative fuels asked for further studies on the possible health and environmental effects of the plan at a public meeting on Wednesday.  Around 70 people attended the meeting at Moss Vale Chamber of Commerce with environmental engineering and science consultant John Court and Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources (DIPNR) environmental planning officer Tim Ward at the Moss Vale Civic Centre. ...

Groups Target Bush EPA’s Refusal

29 October 2004, Published under Cement News

In defiance of a court order issued almost four years ago, the Bush administration’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) still has not issued regulations to reduce air pollution from cement kilns, a major source of mercury and other toxic emissions. This failure to take the necessary—and legally mandated—steps to protect public health and the environment has prompted Earthjustice to file a legal action on behalf of the Sierra Club asking the court to compel the agency to finally comply wit...

Albania Renews Licence to Elbasan

28 October 2004, Published under Cement News

Albania’s Environment Ministry has renewed the operating licence to the Elbasan cement plant in central Albania after the facility fulfilled the ministry’s requirements to reduce air pollution.  The plant had installed emission filters and improved production technology, succeeding to cut hazardous emissions within the specified timeframe, the ministry said in a statement made available on Wednesday.  The Elbasan Cement Factory is owned by the Lebanese cement group Seament. This summer, ...

HeidelbergCement site must conform to emissions law

27 October 2004, Published under Cement News

German group HeidelbergCement, Europe’s second-largest cement manufacturer, will be forced, for the present, to operate its site at Leimen in western Germany according to the law on emission rights trading.  The company had filed complaints with several courts against the emission rights trading law, and had been hoping for the Leimen site to be exempt until a final decision on the matter.

Laramie cement plant facing lawsuit

26 October 2004, Published under Cement News

Environmentalists have given notice they intend to sue a cement factory for 6000 violations of air quality regulations over the last two years. Emissions from the Mountain Cement Co. plant on Laramie’s south side pose a danger to area residents’ health, the potential plaintiffs say. The federal Clean Air Act requires 60 days notice be given in such cases, said Jeremy Nichols of Laramie-based Biodiversity Conservation Alliance. ’’Hopefully, we might be able to work something out within this n...

Cement boss hits back

25 October 2004, Published under Cement News

Lafarge Cement in the UK has hit back at claims burning Recycled Liquid Fuel in Westbury will create an environmental wasteland.  The firm reacted angrily to Monday night’s Inside Out programme on BBC1, which documented the efforts of the pressure group The Air That We Breathe. Lafarge bosses were interviewed during the half-hour show, but Westbury works manager Real Simard said it was important that people knew "the truth about our plans".  He said: "These liquid fuels have been used ar...