Cement News tagged under: environmental

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Bulgaria – Zlatna Panega opts for old tyres

02 December 2003, Published under Cement News

The Bulgarian subsidiary of HeidelbergCement, Zlatna Panega is planning to generate 15 per cent of its required energy from old tyres. Since it started its new incineration facility and has generated electricity from old tyres instead of coal, the company has saved 29,121 euro in electricity costs and 700t of coal. The 670t of tyres burnt in the facility have helped Zlatna Panega to improve its industrial pollution record as well as cement quality. The company has also plans to extend th...

Japan – 40 Japanese companies to conduct mock CO2 emission rights trades

01 December 2003, Published under Cement News

While Europe is gearing up for its emissions trading scheme, the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) is set to launch a mock trading of CO2 emission rights. Participating in this trading scheme are 40 companies, belonging to seven industries and industry associations and representing about 80 per cent of the country’s total CO2 emissions. During the scheme which encompasses 29 trades, auditing companies and environmental standards certification bodies will gauge CO2 e...

UK – Environment Agency urges companies for permit applications

24 November 2003, Published under Cement News

The Environment Agency (EA) is urging companies to start planning their permit applications for the EU greenhouse gas emissions trading scheme. Companies affected by the regulations must receive a permit from the EA by 31 March 2004, the deadline for presentation of the National Allocation Plans. To ensure permits are received on time, the agency stresses companies must apply for the permits between 10 November 2003 and 31 January 2004. If failing, companies may not be able to obtain the...

Tanzania – Bureau of Standards proposes cement factory emissions standard

24 November 2003, Published under Cement News

The Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) is proposing a standard on cement factory emissions to stop them from polluting the environment. There are about eight potential pollutants from cement and lime factories that require monitoring according to the proposal. A draft standard was discussed during a recent meeting of the Technical Committee on Air Quality. The document is based on East African Cement Producers Association limits which are comparable to EU specifications and will be prese...

India – Environmental Excellence awards for cement companies

24 November 2003, Published under Cement News

The Eight NCB International Seminar on Cement and Building Materials in New Delhi was concluded with the presentation of the National Awards for Energy Performance, Environment Excellence and Quality Excellence in the Indian cement industry. Environmental Excellence awards for 2002-03 were given to Madras Cements, India Cements and Gagal Cements. Madras Cements and India Cements also took the 2001-2002 awards in the same category, sharing them with Century Cements and Lafarge India.

UK – Superquarry, WWF and Lafarge

24 November 2003, Published under Cement News

Plans for a new superquarry on the remote island of Harris by Lafarge are back in focus with a new court hearing expected this week. The plans have re-ignited the issue of Lafarge's earlier decision to give a UK£3.5m donation to the World Wildlife Fund to help fund its many projects around the globe. In fact, senior conservationists in the WWF have fallen out over this donation, with the British arm of WWF refusing to accept its share of the £3.5m sponsorship deal with the multinational Lafa...

UK – Monitors for Rugby tyre trial

24 November 2003, Published under Cement News

A UKP400,000 monitoring programme is to keep track of air pollution, possibly produced by burning tyres at the Rugby cement plant near the town’s centre. The programme includes the location of 23 monitors, which measure particulates, around the borough. The programme, funded by the local borough council and with a UKP75,000 Rugby Cement grant, will measure pollution levels before Rugby Cement begins its tyre-burning trials at the Lawford Road site next year. Comparison between pre-trial ...

USA – Changing cement, changing emissions for the better

24 November 2003, Published under Cement News

The Portland Cement Association announced the latest effort by the industry to significantly reduce the emissions burden on the environment. Tom Chizmadia, PCA board member and chairman of its Environment and Energy Committee, outlined the change in Portland cement production by including up to five per cent ground limestone in ASTM C 150 Portland cement. Chizmadia stressed the importance of this move: “Such reductions could add significantly to the environmental gains already achieved by th...

Asia – Curbing global warming the Asian way

17 November 2003, Published under Cement News

Asia’s cement producers are contributing in global climate regulation by replacing coal with rice husks that would otherwise be incinerated and dumped in landfills. While rice husks do release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, supporters say that sulphur emissions are around one-fifth of coal and lignite. Moreover, rice mills were burning the husks anyway, so net carbon dioxide emissions are predicted to fall as a result of the switch. In addition to the fuel advantages, the ash of...

Spain – Cementos Portland invests 87m euro in environmental friendly kiln

17 November 2003, Published under Cement News

Spanish cement manufacturer Cementos Portland is investing 87m euro in a new cement kiln at its Seville plant. The new kiln will boost output by 30 per cent to 1.8Mt. The investment includes 12m euro in environmental protection equipment.