Cement News tagged under: environmental

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USA – Rare flower discovered on former aggregate site

17 November 2003, Published under Cement News

When RMC South Florida Inc donated its aggregate site to Florida International University little did the company know that the site held botanical treasures. Preliminary research by the university has resulted in the discovery of two populations of bracted colic root (Aletris bracteata), a world endangered species related to lilies. That the discovery is a rare find is illustrated by the fact that it occurs only in Florida’s Dade and Monroe Counties, apart from the northern islands of the Bah...

Ireland – Proposals for use of animal waste in cement

17 November 2003, Published under Cement News

In a report to the Irish Cabinet, senior officials of four government departments, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Food Safety Authority, recommend the incineration and incorporation into cement of meat and bonemeal – considered a potential source of BSE – from slaughtered Irish cattle. Curently, meat and bonemeal is mostly sent abroad to countries such as the UK and Germany for incineration or is stored within the country, costing the local taxpayer around E150m in the past...

Austria – RMC Austria and WWF protect rare grassland environment

10 November 2003, Published under Cement News

RMC Austria will be helping to protect an area of nationally significant, rare dry grassland through its latest agreement with WWF. The area contains the company’s Hollitzer Quarry, operated by Readymix Kies Union and located 50km west of the capital Vienna. The dry grassland, the largest of its kind in Europe, lies at the foot of the Hundsheimer Berge, a mountain which represents one of the most significant ecosystems in the country. The region hosts a number of important species, inclu...

USA – Tyre burning plans at Lafarge Ravena, NY

10 November 2003, Published under Cement News

Lafarge North America plans to burn tyres at its Ravena cement works with the aim to reduce its use of coal as thermal energy source and possibly cut emissions. The plans outline the initial burning of tyres in one kiln in 2005. Retrofitting of the plant’s second kiln by the following year should enable the company to push up tyre disposal levels to 6-8m tyres annually. This would mean coal and other fuel consumption would be reduced by 20 per cent, leading to a seven per cent cut in pro...

USA – Senate rejects plan to limit GHG emissions

10 November 2003, Published under Cement News

While Europe gears up for carbon emission trading, the US Senate has rejected a market-based scheme to reduce the country’s emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. With a 43-55 vote, the Senate defeated the Climate Stewardship Act, which proposed a cap-and-trade system, designed to cut greenhouse emissions back to 2000 levels by 2010. The proposed law would limit CO2 emissions from power plants, vehicles and factories.

UK – Greenhouse gas trading one step closer

03 November 2003, Published under Cement News

The UK Environment Agency has contacted 1000 businesses and organisations in England and Wales in the first stage of implementing the UK component of a Europe-wide emissions trading scheme designed to cut greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. Businesses affected by the trading scheme must obtain a permit from the Environment Agency by 31 March 2004. The first phase of the new emissions regime (2005-2007) will focus on carbon dioxide, a major contributor to climate change that coul...

UAE – Building materials industry to invest more in environmental measures

03 November 2003, Published under Cement News

UAE Minister of Health Hamad Rahman Al Madfa, made an appeal to the world’s cement and building material companies to double their efforts in reducing environmental pollution caused by their production processes. The call, delivered by Dr Salem Al Dhaheri, Federal Environmental Agency Director, on behalf of the minister, came by way of the opening speech of the fourth International Conference and Exhibition on Environment Protection in Cement and Building Materials Industries in the UAE. ...

UK – Environment Agency moves on Castle Padeswood WDF burning

03 November 2003, Published under Cement News

The Environment Agency has opened the final stage of public consultation on Castle Cement’s application to build a new cement kiln in North Wales. The new £54m kiln, located in Padeswood, will increase production by 50 per cent at the site, and proposals include the burning of waste-derived fuels such as tyres and solvents. According to the Agency, it is “… seeking to explain to people how the concerns raised during earlier stages of the consultation have been taken into account. We also...

Thailand – Rock quarrying receives Environment Board support

30 October 2003, Published under Cement News

Thailand’s National Environment Board has recommended the renewal of rock quarry concessions in reserve forest areas for Saraburi cement factories. “The Board understands mining in ecologically sensitive areas is bad for the environment, but we cannot ignore the importance of economic development, “ said geologist Mr Prinya. “ The proposed conditions will enable mining to coexist with nature and environmental protection.” The conditions include the payment of higher fees, the reforestation o...

Azerbaijan – Ministry of Environment serves Garadagh Cement with summons

30 October 2003, Published under Cement News

The Azerbaijani Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources is suing Garadagh Cement over the use of the Garadagh clay quarries and the Tovuz truss quarry, which the Ministry has banned the use of. 'Not only does Garadagh Cement shows disrespect the national laws, but it also continues damaging the environment. The joint stock company made quarry deals with the municipalities even though the municipalities are not prohibited to exploit the mineral resources and enter into such agreeme...