Cement News tagged under: environmental

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UK - Lafarge develops emissions trading strategy with help of Lloyds Register Quality Assurance Services

30 October 2003, Published under Cement News

Emissions trading is developing internationally. The Kyoto Protocol envisages global trading in greenhouse gases from 2008, the European Comission proposes EU-wide trading at company level from 2005 onwards and the British government launched an emissions trading scheme (ETS) during 2002 in order to reduce carbon dioxide levels in line with Kyoto targets. With 34 participants, the UK scheme requires companies to submit baseline and annual emission figures that have been independently verifie...

Morocco – Lafarge and WWF promote sustainable economic development in Tetouan

30 October 2003, Published under Cement News

In the north of Morocco, Lafarge and WWF will be setting up an experimental nursery to develop know-how and transfer capacity for the production of native species of trees and shrubs. The nursery is part of a drive to promote sustainable economic development in Tetouan. – Michel Picard, Lafarge’s VP on environmental issues.

Australia – Cockburn Cement to burn tyres at Munster ?

30 October 2003, Published under Cement News

Cockburn Cement, part of the Adelaide Brighton Cement group, is reported to be looking at introducing alternative fuels at its Munster works. The Waste Management Board’s executive officer, Adam Parker, has confirmed that the company is investigating the possibility of burning tyres as an alternative source of fuel. However, Cockburn operations manager Gareth Ward said the company was still looking at the various fuel options and no decision had been taken to burn tyres. The company’s al...

UK – Remas calls for UK and Irish companies to take part in European EMS study

30 October 2003, Published under Cement News

Remas aims to study the benefits of formal environmental management systems (EMS) and hopes to establish a direct link between the use of EMS and positive environmental performance. According to project manager Martyn Cheesbrough: “We believe environmental management systems can offer many benefits to companies and other stakeholders, but we are unable to prove their real value until we get a full, unequivocal picture of the various elements involved. This is precisely what remas is designed...

Japan – Tokuyama converts waste plastic to fuel

30 October 2003, Published under Cement News

Tokuyama has started the full scale operation of its waste plastic-to-fuel facility, effectively nearly doubling overall capacity from 45,000tpa to 85,000tpa, after the completion of the third-stage phase of its waste plastic-to-fuel conversion plant. Ultimate target is the recycling of 165,000tpa of waste plastic into fuel. The project is part the cement producer's programme to recycle waste resources into cement raw materials and fuel. Since April 2002 Tokuyama has created a stand-alo...

Japan – Taiheiyo-Ebara construct new Ecocement plant

30 October 2003, Published under Cement News

A new Ecocement plant is planned for the Tama area. Taiheiyo Cement Corporation and Ebara Corporation have concluded a 27.18bn yen contract with Tokyo Santama Area Regional Association of Waste Disposal. Taiheiyo-Ebara Consortium has also signed a long-term contract for the plant's operation and maintenance as well as the marketing of the product for 20 years, at an additional value of 53bn yen. The new business will be incorporated under the name of Tokyo Tama Ecocement Inc and has a capital...

UAE – Ras Al-Khaimah Co for White Cement invests US$9.5m in environmental project

30 September 2003, Published under Cement News

Ras Al-Khaimah Co for White Cement is investing 35m UAE dirhams (US$9.5m) into an environmental project which should improve gas and dust emissions. The project will see the installation of five bag filters, of which three in the kilns. The latest news on the project confirms the installation of one filter with a second one to be installed by mid-September 2003, and the third in early October 2003. The remaining two filters will be installed in the plant's mills

UK – Controversy continues to burn at Lawford Road

30 September 2003, Published under Cement News

Angry councillors are planning to demand a full judicial review into the Environment Agency’s decision to allow tyre-burning trials at Rugby Cement’s Lawford Road works. In addition, the group intends to monitor air quality in the town for six months prior to and during the trials. The latest move in the controversy follows an extra-ordinary meeting of the full council on 1 September. The councillors claim the Environment Agency did not take the plant’s urban location and its impact on p...

UK – High Court throws out WDF Clitheroe bid

30 September 2003, Published under Cement News

The High Court in London has thrown out a legal bid to prevent Castle Cement burning waste-derived fuel at its Clitheroe works. Opponents to the cement works’ plans brought a legal case to the Court, forcing the Environment Agency to justify its decision to allow the use of Cemfuel at Clitheroe’s third kiln line. Opponents claimed European guidelines assessing the environmental impact of burning the fuel had not been studied before granting permission, but the agency successfully the irre...

USA – State agency sued over mining permit

30 September 2003, Published under Cement News

Four environmental groups – Missouri Coalition for the Environment, the Ozark Chapter of the Sierra Club, the Webster Groves Nature Study Society and the American Bottom Conservancy – have sued the Land Reclamation Commission for granting a surface mining permit to Holcim Inc for its proposed cement works in Ste Genevieve County. Holcim was granted permission to mine limestone at the site on 12 August 2003. The lawsuit states the permit was considered in an illegal, closed meeting and th...