Cement News tagged under: eu ets

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Can CBAM create a level playing field for CO2 emissions?

19 May 2023, Published under Cement News

This week, Eurostat released the EU cement industry statistics for 2022. There has been little change from 2021 when EU27 imports of cement and clinker totalled around 9.5Mt, but in 2022 imports rose above 10Mt for the first time. It is a rising trend that has continued to evolve since pre-2016, when clinker and cement imports to the EU27 totalled less than 2.5Mt. Meanwhile, cement and clinker exports from the EU27 have slumped from nearly 25Mt in 2016 to around 13Mt in 2022 with the UK and ...

CEMBUREAU welcomes ETS and CBAM agreements

20 December 2022, Published under Cement News

CEMBUREAU, the European Cement Association, welcomed the trilogue agreements struck by EU negotiators on the EU Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) and the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM).  “The agreements on CBAM and ETS are essential to create a global level playing field on CO 2 and support our sector in its transition to carbon neutrality. It is positive that the EU institutions strengthened some key aspects of CBAM”, commented Koen Coppenholle, CEO of CEMBUREAU.  “We howev...

CBAM introduction far from easy

16 December 2022, Published under Cement News

This week the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) moved a step closer to reality when the EU outlined plans to introduce the new border tax on imports of carbon-intensive cement and other industrial products (aluminium, iron, fertilisers, electricity and steel) with high carbon footprints. MEPs reached a provisional agreement with the Council to start the CBAM process. The transition period of 2023-25, before full implementation in 2027, will be closely monitored. Importers will pro...

WCA's CEO responds to WWF EU ETS free allocation analysis

05 December 2022, Published under Cement News

Ian Riley, CEO of the World Cement Association, has responded to recent analysis from the World Wildlife Fund on the  EU ETS emissions over the examined period (2013-21), when more than half of the emissions (53 per cent) were handed out to polluters for free through the so-called ‘free allocation’ scheme. These free permits to pollute were worth EUR98.5, more than all the revenue that EU countries earned through selling regular allowances, stated the WWF. The WWF argues that while th...

Recession looms for European construction sector

07 October 2022, Published under Cement News

Faced with rising energy costs, inflation and sluggish demand the European construction sector is braced for a negative landing in 2023, according to CIC-Market Solutions. With the autumn expected to see a modest decline in construction investments, Europe could well dip into a slight recession next year. CIC-Market Solutions has forecast a decline in construction investment of -1.1 per cent in 2023 following a post-pandemic high of 5.9 per cent growth. The French analysts suggest that Fr...

CEMBUREAU asks for speedy CBAM implementation

23 June 2022, Published under Cement News

The European cement association CEMBUREAU has welcomed the adoption of the European Parliament reports on the EU Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) and the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) but states that timely implementation of CBAM is key to support the sector’s transition to carbon neutrality. "Our sector needs a coherent and predictable regulatory framework to deliver on its carbon neutrality ambitions. The texts adopted today offer significant improvements on key issues – suc...

European cement industry seeks level playing field for carbon reduction costs

22 October 2021, Published under Cement News

CEMBUREAU, the European cement association, has recently released two white papers on its position to the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) revision. The draft regulation on CBAM, argues CEMBUREAU, is an opportunity to reduce CO2 emissions globally while equalising costs between EU and non-EU cement suppliers. Meanwhile, the EU ETS also needs to be realigned with Europe's increased climate ambition for decarbonisation. As the transition...

CEMBUREAU discusses Europe's future for cement

13 October 2021, Published under Cement News

C EMBUREAU held its 'Cementing Europe's future: Action through policy' webinar on 12 October 2021 . Two panel discussions looked at whether the cement industry was Fit for 55 per cent carbon reduction by 2030 and the carbon-neutral built environment and the role of concrete with in it.  Isidoro Miranda, CEO of Holcim Spain and C EMBUREAU president, opened the meeting stating that the "cement sector was on the move!" He announced that the Green Deal was a starting point race towards 205...

Cembureau to engage on Fit for 55 legislative package

16 July 2021, Published under Cement News

C EMBUREAU , the association of the European cement industry, is ready to engage on the Fit for 55 legislative package published by the European Commission on 14 July. "Delivering deep emission cuts by 2030 is a major challenge. It requires a coherent package that boosts the take-up of low-carbon technologies while addressing the risk of carbon leakage, at a time when the EU is increasing its climate ambition," said Koen Coppenholle, C EMBUREAU  Chief Executive. C EMBUREAU will engage...

CEMBUREAU states concern for CBAM Fit for 55 package

24 June 2021, Published under Cement News

The European cement industry fully supports the objectives of the European Green Deal, says the industry association, C EMBUREAU . In its Carbon Neutrality Roadmap, the cement sector commits to CO 2 emissions reduction targets by 2030 and works towards achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. To achieve these objectives, establishing viable business cases that secure continued growth and employment in Europe is essential. Having the first carbon-neutral cement plant in the European Union withi...