Cement News tagged under: exports

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Pakistan's producers see daily offtake fall

01 April 2020, Published under Cement News

Cement factories located in Sindh province, Pakistan, have seen their total dispatches decline to 3500tpd from 20,000-22,000tpd before the coronavirus outbreak. Likewise, cement manufacturing plants in the north of the country registered an almost 75 per cent decrease in dispatches. Daily average cement offtake fell to 30,000-35,000tpd from 135,000-140,000tpd. Elsewhere, exports slipped 93 per cent to an average of 1,000-1,500tpd from 20,000-22,000tpd. Industry officials have said c...

Peruvian cement market expands 5% in February

26 March 2020, Published under Cement News

National cement demand in Peru advanced 5.3 per cent in February 2020 to 0.935Mt when compared with February 2019, according to the country’s cement association, Asocem. In the first two months of the year, 11.78Mt of cement was consumed, up 4.8 per cent YoY. Cement production increased 5.9 per cent YoY and 2.3 per cent MoM to 0.849Mt in February 2020 while clinker production saw YoY and MoM increases of 35.8 and 9.9 per cent, respectively to 0.784Mt in the second month of this year. Cem...

Azerbaijan’s Gazakh Cement to increase exports in 2020

25 March 2020, Published under Cement News

Gazakh Cement Plant plans to significantly increase export sales from Azerbaijan to neighbouring countries such as Georgia in 2020, according to Trend. "Last year, the plant established clinker exports to Georgia, and this year we plan to significantly increase the total volume of exports. In 2019, export volumes in this direction amounted to over 1000t of clinker and cement," Trend’s source said. "At the moment, we are in search of partners among the countries of the region. We are consid...

Vietnam cement sales surge 58% in February

24 March 2020, Published under Cement News

Total cement sales in Vietnam reached 4.207Mt in February 2020, up 58 per cent YoY and 47 per cent MoM, according to the Vietnam National Cement Association (VNCA). The total includes 1.383Mt delivered by VICEM, representing an increase of 48 per cent YoY and 53 per cent MoM. VICEM joint ventures posted an 80 per cent YoY and 56 per cent MoM rise in sales to 1.184Mt while the country’s other cement producers saw sales rise by 54 per cent YoY and 36 per cent YoY to 1.64Mt in February 2020. ...

Spain’s cement demand edges down in February

24 March 2020, Published under Cement News

Cement demand in Spain slipped 0.5 per cent YoY to 1,171,084t in February 2020, according to Oficemen, the country’s cement association. In the first two months of 2020, cement consumption declined by 4.5 per cent to 2,206,568t. However, rolling-year data show a growth of 3.9 per cent between March 2019-February 2020. In the 12 months to the end of February 2020 demand for ceemnt reached 14,312,443t. External trade Exports decreased a further 31.4 per cent to less than 460,000t shipped ...

Caribbean Cement resumes exports to Cuba

23 March 2020, Published under Cement News

Caribbean Cement Co Ltd increased its export sales threefold YoY in 2019, including markets such as Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. While CCCL’s 2019 annual report did not name Guantánamo Bay, a cement company representative told the Financial Gleaner that Caribbean Cement resumed exports to that area, and that those sales would have positively impacted on total exports. The cement producer had previously announced that it wanted to recommence exports to several Caribbean countries, including the Ba...

Indonesia: sluggish local demand in February as export conditions to China deteriorate

20 March 2020, Published under Cement News

The Indonesian Cement Association (ASI) noted the rate of YoY decline in national cement consumption has slowed to -0.1 per cent in February from January's position, which was -7.5 per cent. In addition, export volumes, which had surged 40 per cent in January, dropped by 27.9 per cent to 440,000t in February. "It is unfortunate that our cement and clinker exports, which we hope can improve the performance of the cement industry, are constrained by the presence of a corona [virus], resulti...

Pakistan records mixed trend of cement revenue in 8MFY19-20

19 March 2020, Published under Cement News

The export of cement/clinker from Pakistan during the first eight months of FY19-20, saw a fall of 5.80 per cent in terms of value but record a growth of 6.45 per cent compared to 8MFY18-19, says data released by Federal Bureau of Statistics. The breakdown of data shows that country's cement sector earned US$193.92m by exporting 5.151Mt of cement and clinker between July 2019 – February 2020, compared to US$205.86m from 4.839Mt of exports in the comparative year ago period. This represents...

Uzbekistan: time to celebrate?

17 March 2020, Published under Cement News

Following a dramatic rise in construction activity, the Uzbek cement industry has seen local sales surge. To meet this increasing demand, existing producers are expanding their production facilities and the booming market has attracted a flood of interest from Chinese investors. By Annexure Financial Solutions, China. Uzbekistan is carrying out bold economic reforms that have resulted in a strong growth in investment and an increase in consumption, underpinning rising cement demand...

Sino Zimbabwe Cement challenged by export competition

17 March 2020, Published under Cement News

Sino Zimbabwe Cement has been forced to restrict its business after being outcompeted in export markets by Dangote Cement. Sino Cement has faced stiff competition in the export markets of Zambia and Tanzania. Andrew Gona, Sino Zimbabwe Cement's export manager, said: "We used to export, but the growth of Dangote in the region has pushed us out on competitive grounds. They have built modern plants that are low cost right in the heart of what used to be our export market. "We can supply and s...