Cement News tagged under: france

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Lafarge's 2012 consolidated sales rise on higher prices, emerging markets

20 February 2013, Published under Cement News

Lafarge reported a 3.5 per cent rise in consolidated sales for 2012 driven by price increases across all product lines, higher cement volumes in Latin America and Asia and favourable foreign exchange effects. For this year it sees growth in cement demand with emerging markets continuing to lead the way. The group achieved cost savings of EUR410m in the year, delivering on its cost savings target as its savings plan is gathering pace generating EUR80m of EBITDA in 2012. EBITDA and curre...

Vicat advances in India and Kazakhstan

06 February 2013, Published under Cement News

Vicat's turnover increased by 1.2 per cent in 2012 to €2292.2m, which becomes an underlying decline of 0.2 per cent on a like-for-like basis. Turnover in cement was ahead by 1.6 per cent to €1155.7m, while aggregates and concrete sales were ahead by one per cent to €826.1m. Other activities saw turnover edge ahead by 0.2 per cent to €310.5m. Cement accounted for 52.3 per cent of turnover, very marginally higher than the 52.1 per cent in the previous year. The concrete and aggregate...

Holcim France to close Dannes kiln

01 February 2013, Published under Cement News

As western Europe is faced with overcapacity in cement capacity, Holcim France has announced the closure of its wet-process kiln at Dannes. Citing a 20 per cent decline in the demand for cement since 2008, the management of the cement major said it would close down its clinker production in September 2013. The step would remove 0.3Mta of capacity and is expected to be followed by a further cut in capacity of 0.35Mt at some stage. Only 15 of 84 employees will remain onsite to produce a...

Ciments Kercim to go into production in spring 2013, France

23 January 2013, Published under Cement News

Ciments Kercim’s clinker grinding unit in Montoir-de-Bretagne (Loire-Atlantique) is scheduled to enter service in spring. Located in the bulk terminal port of Nantes-Saint-Nazaire, the facility is ready to receive its first shipment of 15,000t of Turkish clinker as a process test. Once the trial period has ended and certifications are received, it is expected to start normal operations in May or June and ramp up its throughput gradually to its full capacity of 0.6Mta by 2017. The proje...

Euro area construction output down 0.4 per cent in November

18 January 2013, Published under Cement News

Construction output in the 17-nation euro area decreased 0.4 per cent in November according to first estimates released by Eurostat. In Germany, Europe’s largest economy, November construction advanced one per cent from a month earlier, while Spain gained 1.2 per cent, according to today’s report. However, these gains were offset by falls in France and Italy, where output dropped 0.5 per cent and 3.4 per cent, respectively. In the 27-nation EU, construction fell 0.9 per cent from October...

Lafarge completes trials for new generation low-carbon cement

17 January 2013, Published under Cement News

Lafarge has successfully completed an industrial trial for Aether®, its new-generation clinker formulated for lower-carbon cements. The trial mobilised a team of around 100 people over a 10-day period at the Group's plant in Le Teil, France. It allowed the production of 10,000t of Aether® clinker, confirming the feasibility of industrial-scale production using traditional raw materials. The launch of the first Aether® products is planned for 2014. Aether®, a new clinker formulation to red...

French cement consumption rises 5% in October

19 December 2012, Published under Cement News

French cement demand increased by five per cent YoY to 1.904Mt in October, data from association Syndicat Français de l'Industrie Cimentière (SFIC) shows. Domestic producers advanced sales by 4.5 per cent to 1.762Mt when compared with October 2011 while importers increased their deliveries by nearly 11 per cent from 0.128Mt to 0.142Mt. In terms of exports, the French industry made modest gains of 3.7 per cent from 0.108Mt to 0.112Mt, mostly in the form of cement (0.099Mt) although some ...

Asia and US improvements boost Vicat nine month results

06 November 2012, Published under Cement News

Vicat's turnover for the first nine months of the year edged ahead by 0.2 per cent to EUR1731m, but this represents an underlying decline of one per cent. Asian and US improvements made up for French and African volume declines.  The gearing level increased to 47.6 per cent at the end of September compared with 43.4 per cent a year earlier and  40.6 per cent two years ago, with the expansion in Asia being the principal reason for the increase in debt levels. Turnover in cement was 0.7 per...

Lafarge appoints director of R&D

15 October 2012, Published under Cement News

Carlos Espina has been appointed as Director of Research and Development of the Lafarge Group, with effect from 1 Octbober 2012. Mr Espina was formerly Chief Executive Officer, ArcelorMittal Méditerranée, a position he had held since July 2009. He began his career in the United Kingdom as a Researcher at AEA Technology. In 1995 he joined the R&D Centre of Aceralia Corporación Siderúrgica as Manager of the Product Applications Engineering Department, before becoming Vice President of Intel...

HSBC lifts Lafarge share price target, France

14 August 2012, Published under Cement News

HSBC has lifted the share price target of Lafarge to EUR55 from EUR52 and reiterated its "overweight" recommendation. Analysts with HSBC revised up by three per cent their expectations for the EBITDA of the company, due to the increase in cement prices. The broker considers that in the first half of 2012, the building materials producer laid the foundations of good financial performance for the entire year. Lafarge booked a EUR13m (US$16.02m) net attributable profit for the first half of ...