Cement News tagged under: infrastructure

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Lafarge Africa looks to scale-up Nigeria's road infrastructure

14 October 2020, Published under Cement News

LafargeHolcim Africa hosted a webinar on approaches to rapidly upscaling Nigeria's Economic Infrastructure, yesterday. Nigeria’s Honourable Minister of Works & Housing Guest of honour, Babatunde Fashola, led the discussions emphasising that the government is committed to renew, review and increase Nigeria’s infrastructure. Babatunde Fashola argued that Nigeria stopped investing in infrastructure in the 1970s and that it must get back to investing something similar today by investing a s...

Federal Budget FY21 impacts positively on the cement industry in Pakistan

15 June 2020, Published under Cement News

Hammad Azhar, Pakistan's Federal Minister for Industries and Production, on June 12 unveiled a tax-free federal budget for FY20-21 in Parliament with a total outlay of PKR7.136trn (US$43.2m), to spur economic recovery following the economy's contraction in the outgoing fiscal year for the first time since 1952, due to COVID-19.   He proposed no increase in salaries of its employees and pensioners, a rise in levies on luxury products, and tax relief for the cement sector, sanitary-ware and lo...

Canadian Cement Association and producers call on President to up infrastructure spending

02 June 2020, Published under Cement News

Canada's cement companies and the Cement Association of Canada (CAC) have written to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as well as federal ministers to plead for federal government to prioritise construction and strategic infrastructure spending. The letter signed by executives from St Marys Cement, Lafarge Canada, CRH Canada Group, Lehigh Hanson Materials Canada, McInnis Cement and CAC contains a seven point declaration, as follows:  • put the construction sector at the core of the COVID-19 Ec...

Colombia: market in transition

18 May 2020, Published under Cement News

Following a poor performance in recent years, the Colombian cement sector seems to be on the cusp of a new era. Although the impact of the coronavirus pandemic is yet to be understood, a steady pipeline of construction projects over the next few years should support rising cement prices and a positive cement demand forecast, argues Bancolombia. By Jairo Julian Aquedelo Restrepo, Bancolombia, Colombia. Ecocementos is Colombia’s newest cement market entrant having started operations in ...

Chinese infrastructure construction sees boost

14 April 2020, Published under Cement News

Chinese infrastructure construction has reportedly been stepped up across the country as the government increases funding in the sector, states Xinhua News Agency. The production and prices of construction materials, including cement and steel, have also seen an increase. The work resumption rate of the cement industry reached 94 per cent as of 6 April, according to data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

CMA welcomes Union Budget infrastucture spending

04 February 2020, Published under Cement News

The Cement Manufacturers Association (CMA) welcomed the major announcements on infrastructure, logistics, climate change and environment in the Union Budget 2020-21 presented by the India's Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman. "The Government's commitment to invest over INR100 lakhs crore (US$1.4trn) in infrastructure will help fast track the projects that have been identified under the infrastructure pipeline. The focus on disaster resilient infrastructure in the budget is a move in the r...

China's 2020 demand growth forecast increases

10 January 2020, Published under Cement News

Nomura has increased its 2020 demand growth forecast for China from three per cent to five per cent following expectations that Beijing will continue to support its property and infrastructure sectors. The Asian financial services company has seen further room for Beijing to loosen its restrictions on property transactions and investment to shore up economic growth. Plans to build new city clusters will also stay on track and increase cement demand by providing a boost to infrastructure spe...

Pakistan's government allocates PK5trn for PSDP programme

09 January 2020, Published under Cement News

Pakistan's cement industry has received a positive news from government, which may accelerate demands for cement in local markets. On the directives of Prime Minister Imran Khan for making the Public Private Partnership Authority (PPPA) fully functional through placement of its rules, the PTI-led government wants to launch PSDP-Plus with portfolio of over PKR5trn (US$32.2bn) for next three years.   According to media, keeping in view severe resource constraints at a time when Pakistan is cur...

China sees strong cement demand at the end of 2019

12 December 2019, Published under Cement News

A financial data provider has reported that average prices of cement in big Chinese cities have picked up 15 per cent since September, ending eight months of decline. The central government also lowered capital requirements for infrastructure projects such as railways, ports and toll roads. Cement consumption in the fourth quarter in China exceeded expectations . "There is a pronounced rebound in infrastructure construction towards the end of the year," said Chen Bolin, China Cement Associa...

Pakistan to set up construction and infrastructure board 

28 November 2019, Published under Cement News

An indirect development may stimulate demands for cement in country, following meeting of stakeholders in Islamabad yesterday.   A delegation of Construction Association of Pakistan, headed by Eng Arshad Dad Khan, called on Prime Minister, Imran Khan, at his office, wherein Minister for Planning, Asad Umar, was also present during the meeting.   The delegation appreciated the vision of the prime minister in approving the construction sector as 'industry' and the steps being taken by the pre...