KHD to modernise Conch Zongyang preheater
The Conch Zongyang Line No 4 preheater modernisation project has been selected as a pilot projec...
The Conch Zongyang Line No 4 preheater modernisation project has been selected as a pilot projec...
FLSmidth has been awarded a contract to increase the capacity at Secil Supremo Cimento 's Adr...
Winners of the Portland Cement Association's 2022 Energy and Environment Awards to recognise out...
In the challenging conditions of a cement plant, traditional process control methods are not alw...
GCC has completed a significant upgrade of its cement plant in Rapid City, South Dakota, USA. Th...
In its first application in China, an FLSmidth HDR63-315 HOTDISC ® combustion device is integra...
Dr Clark considers the flow of gases through the cement kiln process and some of the governing p...
With Bolivia’s cement market growing by double digits in recent years, cement producers have inv...
Preheater and precalciner design play a prominent role in NOx and CO reduction from cement kilns...