Cement News tagged under: trading

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FTC to investigate cement cost structure, Jamaica

16 June 2010, Published under Cement News

Jamaica’s Industry and Commerce Minister Karl Samuda has instructed the Fair Trading Commission (FTC) to conduct an investigation into the cost structure at the Caribbean Cement Company. 

 The directive comes in the wake of the 3.2 per cent increase in the cost of cement which was announced yesterday. 

 Mr. Samuda says he’s both surprised and disappointed at the announcement in light of the decline in interest rates and the strengthening of the Jamaican dollar. 

 He says he’s also disa...

Philippine prices among the highest in East Asia

15 June 2010, Published under Cement News

Cement prices in the Philippines are among the highest in East Asia, Board of Investments (BoI) data showed, Realty Plus reported. The data were made public late on Friday, a week after the 2010 Investment Priorities Plan (IPP) was unveiled with provisions granting incentives to new entrants into the cement industry which the state agency said would encourage competition and thus bring down prices. Cement here costs roughly US$4.56/40kg bag as of January 2010, higher than the US$3.63 avera...

Ethiopia cement price fall

15 June 2010, Published under Cement News

The price of cement in Ethiopia has fallen over the past week in June by about 15 per cent after weeks of high prices since power rationing relating to a tunnel problem at Gilgel Gibe II began in January 2010. Until June 1 2010, Mugher’s cement retailed at Br410 followed by Wagshen and Jema, which were selling at Br400. Since then, these prices have come down to Br360 and Br350, respectively. The retail price for Abyssinia and Koka cement are the lowest at 340 Br in retail stores around Me...

Pakistan increases prices in north

15 June 2010, Published under Cement News

Pakistan producers in the north of the country – including DG Khan Cement, Maple Leaf Cement, Lafarge Pakistan, and Fauji Cement – have increased prices by PKR20-25/50kg bag to PJR280-285 in the retail market, The News learnt on Monday.

 “Primarily, the widening gap between demand and supply provided a room to increase cement price in the summer season,” said Shaikh Zafar, senior manager Sales and Marketing at Maple Leaf Cement.

 Furqan Punjani, analyst at the Topline Securities, said th...

CeMap - cement price hikes ‘necessary’ - Philippines

01 June 2010, Published under Cement News

Increases in cement prices, which Philippine cement producers have either implemented or are planning to implement soon, are necessary despite expected sluggish demand in the rainy season as manufacturers seek to recover high production costs, according to the Cement Manufacturers Association (CeMap). Ernesto Ordonez, president of CeMap, said that in 2001, cement manufacturers sold their products even at a loss arising from depressed demand. They did so to cover production costs even if in ...

India: cement price fall will hit first-quarter margins

24 May 2010, Published under Cement News

The cement industry is facing a continuous downward spiral in prices and adding to its woes is the decline in growth figures for the last three months. Analysts who had estimated good first-quarter results due to increases in cement prices post budget are now concerned about the lacklustre performance of the sector. Rupesh Sankhe, research analyst with Angel Broking, said, “The plants which have been commissioned during October-January have all stabilised and the additional supply during t...

Kenya/Tanzania: ministers push for protection of cement market

20 May 2010, Published under Cement News

Kenya and Tanzania want cement returned to the region’s list of protected commodities before the common market comes into force in July to cushion local producers from cheap imports. Treatment of cement in the region is set to feature prominently when the council of ministers holds its next sitting just days before region’s heads of state summit in Arusha at the end of the month. The push is likely to anger the landlocked countries that have been fighting for easier importation of building ...

Egypt draft budget eyes tax rises on cement

19 May 2010, Published under Cement News

Egypt is proposing a five per cent sales tax on cement instead of the current flat fee per tonne, newspapers reported on Wednesday. The daily al-Mal newspaper compared the plan, which is included in the draft 2010/11 budget, to changes in some tax rules implemented in May 2008 that rattled investors. Egypt’s financial year runs from July 1 to June 30, and the 2010/11 budget is now with parliament. Finance Minister Youssef Boutros-Ghali has previously said the deficit for that year woul...

Pakistan cement exports down as Gulf demand drops

18 May 2010, Published under Cement News

Pakistan cement exports slowed in the first nine months of fiscal year 2009-10 9MFY10 as overall exports went up by a nominal four per cent against a massive growth of 64 per cent in the same period last year.   Farhan Bashir Khan, analyst at Invest Capital Investment Bank Ltd, said that cement exports to six Gulf Arab countries, comprising Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), have dropped which resulted in an overall slowdown. “Construction activities in the GCC countries have slowed which resul...

Bahrain cement price fall

16 April 2010, Published under Cement News

The price of per tonne of cement has dropped by 31/t per cent to BHD31 (US$82.2), from BHD45. The decrease was announced as Industry and Commerce Minister Dr Hassan Fakhro chaired a key meeting with importers of construction materials and owners of ready-mix companies. He thanked them for their efforts and co-operation to maintain the stability of construction market and ensure affordable prices. Customs Affairs chief Brigadier General Bassim Al Hamer attended the meeting. Dr Fakhro stre...