Titan Cement Group records FY20 revenue of EUR1607m
Titan Cement Group delivered strong results in 2020, despite the uncertainty caused by the COVID...
Titan Cement Group delivered strong results in 2020, despite the uncertainty caused by the COVID...
Cementir Holding’s consolidated results for 2020 saw a surge in Turkish local cement demand and ...
Nuh Çimento’s SpectraFlow near-infrared online analyser improves quality control at the H...
Turkey’s Çimko Çimento has contracted FLSmidth to deliver a grey-to-white cement line conversion...
The Turkish Cement Manufacturers' Association (TÇMB) has a new identity and logo. In future, the...
Turkey has exported nearly US$1bn of cement in 2020, amounting to 30Mt, according to Tamer Saka...
Bursa Çimento's new clinker line from FLSmidth will harvest significant sustainability and produ...
Cement exports from Turkey to Turkmenistan increased by 79.1 per cent from January through Sept...
Titan Group announced its consolidated revenue totalled EUR1202.4m for the 9M20, a marginal decl...
The USA represented an 18 per cent share of Turkish cement exports during the first nine months ...