Cement News tagged under: western Europe

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Titan successfully navigates pandemic in first quarter

15 May 2020, Published under Cement News

This week Titan Group released its 1Q2020 business results which saw the group's revenues rise by 6.1 per cent to EUR384.8m , compared to 1Q19. ICR looks a little closer now at how the group's operations have been performing.
 Dimitris Papalexopoulos, chairman of the group, said: "The Group successfully navigated the first phase of the [COVID-19] crisis. Since the first emergence of the pandemic which appeared in our countries of operation in early to mid-March, our first focus has been to...

Titan Group sees 6% revenue increase in 1Q20

14 May 2020, Published under Cement News

Based on robust US demand and resilience of markets in the eastern Mediterranean, Titan Group's consolidated revenue increased in the 1Q20 by 6.1 per cent, reaching EUR384.8m, despite the slowdown of business due to COVID-19 since mid-March. EBITDA declined by EUR3.7m, or 8.5 per cent YoY, reaching EUR40.6m, mainly due to the advanced costs of about EUR10m associated with the earlier timing of the plant maintenance in Florida (completed in 2Q19). Preliminary April year-to-date financials ...

MPA releases COVID-19 pocket safety guides

14 May 2020, Published under Cement News

The  Mineral Products Association (MPA) has launched two new sector specific pocket guides, for managers and employees, which are designed to support members in keeping employees, contractors, suppliers and customers safe as site operations adapt to the restrictions of COVID-19 and become COVID secure. Drawing on expert industry advice and techniques, they have been prepared by the MPA's Health and Safety Committee. The A5-sized guides are based around '10 Rules of Engagement' designed to d...

CEMBUREAU's Carbon Neutrality Roadmap to reduce CO2 to net zero by 2050

13 May 2020, Published under Cement News

CEMBUREAU's Carbon Neutrality Roadmap (CNR) looks at how the European cement industry can reduce its carbon emissions by 2050, and align with the objectives of the European Green Deal. It demonstrates that reaching net zero emissions along the cement and concrete value chain is achievable by 2050. Experts from the European cement industry have looked in detail at the role of key technologies in reducing emissions at each stage of the cement and concrete value chain. CO 2 emissions can inde...

LafargeHolcim propose dividened and re-elect board members at AGM

13 May 2020, Published under Cement News

LafargeHolcim shareholders confirmed the proposed distribution of a dividend of CHF2.00 per registered share (US$2.06/registered share) of LafargeHolcim Ltd from capital contribution reserves. The dividend is not subject to Swiss withholding tax.   The Annual General Meeting confirmed Beat Hess as chairman of the company’s Board of Directors. Except for Paul Desmarais Jr, who did not stand for re-election, all other existing members of the Board were confirmed in office. On behalf of the Boa...

Cemex UK to mothball South Ferriby plant in 3Q20

13 May 2020, Published under Cement News

Cemex UK has announced a proposed mothballing of the South Ferriby plant during the 3Q20. It is anticipated that the proposal may result in redundancies of all the employees currently based at the South Ferriby Cement plant. The current cement drivers based at South Ferriby are not immediately impacted, but the intention is to review the optimal haulage provision. Cemex will shortly commence a process of collective consultation with affected employees. A final decision will be announced whe...

Buzzi Unicem records 1Q20 net sales of EUR688.5m

12 May 2020, Published under Cement News

Buzzi Unicem has released its 1Q20 results which saw net sales reach EUR688.5m, up 4.9 per cent on 1Q19. Cement sales rose by 0.4 per cent to 6Mt, while concrete volumes fell by 3.5 per cent to 2.5Mm 3 , compared to 1Q19. Net debt as at 31 March 2020 amounted to EUR525.2m, EUR46.6m lower compared to the year-end 2019. Since March production and business activities have been severely hampered by the outbreak of COVID-19 in Italy, Luxembourg and eastern Europe. Buzzi Unicem reports construct...

UNTHA Iberia delivers shredder for Geocycle's Albox facility

12 May 2020, Published under Cement News

Geocycle (LafargeHocim) has received an XR3000C shredder from UNTHA Ibera for its Albox (Almeria) facility for co-processing in Spain. The equipment will help transform 15,000tpa of hazardous solid waste into pretreated waste with the right granulometry for co-processing in cement kilns. The new shredding line means Geocycle can now convert nationally-produced commercial and industrial waste – including oil/solvent contaminated textiles, plastics, paper and cardboard – into co-processing-re...

UNTHA to expand in Poland

31 March 2020, Published under Cement News

Industrial shredder manufacturer UNTHA is predicting that 2020 will be the biggest year yet for its Polish subsidiary, as the waste market continues to boom.   The shredding technology specialist first moved into Poland in late 2013, when a dedicated office was established in Krakow on the back of growing interest in UNTHA’s machinery – a relocation to Warsaw followed. While the country has attracted mixed views surrounding its approach to waste management over the last six years, it seems i...

LEILAC 2 to be four times the size of LEILAC 1 pilot plant

30 March 2020, Published under Cement News

Following the announcement of The Low Emissions Intensity Lime and Cement 2 (LEILAC 2) in December 2019, LEILAC 2, this plant will be around four times this size of LEILAC 1. Furthermore, LEILAC 2 is to be operated at one of HeidelbergCement's Western European plants, which has yet to be determined. The patented LEILAC process makes it possible to capture high-purity CO 2 from cement production via a separate exhaust gas stream and to utilize it for other purposes. "The LEILAC 2 project i...