Cement News tagged: Environmental

Kyoto protocol will reduce European economic growth

01 January 2006, Published under Cement News

That is the finding of a recent study from the International Council for Capital Formation, a market-based think tank. It projects

ThyssenKrupp reclassifies ’waste’ slag as product

30 December 2005, Published under Cement News

Germany’s ThyssenKrupp Steel has been given the go-ahead by the country’s government to classify its blast furnace slag as a product

ACC wins fly ash award

28 December 2005, Published under Cement News

ACC was awarded the National Award for being the “Best User in India” of a Mineral Component Fly Ash by Fly Ash Utilization Mission, TIFAC, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. T

Taiwanese Industrial Associations Volunteer to Reduce CO2 emissions

26 December 2005, Published under Cement News

Seven Taiwanese industry associations including the Chinese National Federation of Industries will sign an agreement today with the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) to voluntarily

Harnessing sea power in Wales

Harnessing sea power in Wales

26 December 2005, Published under Cement News

THE UK’s first wave power station may generate over 1000 jobs as well as producing renewable energy off the waters of Milford Haven. KP Renewables

Lagan waste fuel burn provokes protests

26 December 2005, Published under Cement News

Local residents are furious after a cement company was granted permission to incinerate up to 50,00t of meat and bone each year. The cattle wast will be burned in kilns at the site of Lagan Cement clo

Cement industry turning green

Cement industry turning green

19 December 2005, Published under Cement News

Leading environmental NGO Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) has awarded the Indian cement industry its "Three Green Leaves" rating for reducing pollution but feels it needs to clean up its mini

Cement factories told to go green

16 December 2005, Published under Cement News

Cement producers PT Semen Cibinong and PT Indocement Tbk were ordered to undergo environmental audits and to construct green areas in a bid to minimise the adverse impacts of pollution resulting from

MP impressed by cement plant, UK

16 December 2005, Published under Cement News

Rugby MP Jeremy Wright took a journey forward in time to find out what the future could hold for Rugby Cement and the controversial tyre-burning issue.

South Africa to start burning tyres

16 December 2005, Published under Cement News

South Africa’s cement industry is to start burning tyres to fuel its kilns. The initiative is intended to diversify the industry’s fuel source and to help clean up SA, which is littered with mil

Cement industry complains about CO² certificates

15 December 2005, Published under Cement News

The Austrian cement industry is threatening to shut down its kilns temporarily if the price of legally mandated CO² certificates goes up too much.

EPA requests info on dust disposal

15 December 2005, Published under Cement News

Florida Rock Industries Inc disclosed Wednesday that it received a request for information from the US Environmental Protection Agency about whether its subsidiary illegally disposed of construction m

Rioclaro wins Lider Progresa prize

15 December 2005, Published under Cement News

Colombian cement company Cementos Rioclaro won for a fifth consecutive year the Lider Progresa prize for product quality, environmental management and social responsibility, it was reported on Decembe

Eurocement to pay higher environmental levy

15 December 2005, Published under Cement News

The Federal Service for environmental, technological and atomic supervision (Rostekhnadzor) has completed an inspection of Kavkazcement, Oskolcement, Savinskiy Cement Plant and Belgorod Cement on Dece

Indian industry launches enviro programs

15 December 2005, Published under Cement News

The World Resources Institute (WRI) and the CII Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre (CII – Godrej GBC) have announced a new national initiative to advance climate-friendly, sustainable enterprises i

Factory hopes to cement sewage deal

13 December 2005, Published under Cement News

Sewage could be used to power the kilns at Lafarge’s Dunbar works, despite concerns about the possible environmental effect. The processed sewage pellets are being considered for use in the Lafarge wo