Rate falls in most sectors
There is a sharp contrast at presenrt between the drastic fall recorded on most dry bulk markets ...
There is a sharp contrast at presenrt between the drastic fall recorded on most dry bulk markets ...
Despite the uncertainty some analysts have recently expressed (again) about the course and speed ...
The news front the week has been marked by the troubled negotiations on steel prices between Chin...
Last week was not so quiet on dry bulk markets despite the absence of some players for Easter fes...
The lack of business that started to weigh down the Cape market last week has kept on bearing on ...
Contrary to last week where almost all dry bulk markets levelled off, freight rates evolution thi...
Despite the rather unanimous fall in rates recorded this week, which is in line with what had bee...
After the upturn of the market last week, rates have kept on rising over the last five trading da...
The wait and see feeling which was widely shared last week doesn’t seem to be charterers&rs...
After the short rush of last week that pushed Capes and Panamax rates up again, the market seems ...
Activity on dry bulk markets this week was in line what was expected. Capes have taken the driv...
Dry bulk markets have continued to slide last week but on Friday the general feeling was that nex...
After the very prompt reaction of the market, which started mid-last week, it now seems that char...
With overall demand still very firm the market remains on the edge and will react upwards to any ...
The level of business has been particularly low since our latest report 15 days ago. This slow mo...
At present everybody is "skiing down to the village" and the heaviest is the fastest. Capes have ...