Cement Kiln Pyroprocessing Course
This 6 week course will provide 24 lectures on different topics associated with pyroprocessing in cement kilns. There will also be exercises and quizzes to assist with the learning process and exams at the end of weeks 1 to 5.
Course Content
The course complements and extends the coverage of cement manufacturing technology course provided by CemNet Training. It is a natural partner to the Grinding and Milling course providing details of the processing equipment of cement kiln systems in the same way as the grinding and milling course does for milling systems. Topics covered will include:
- Feeding systems
- Preheaters
- Process Fans
- Precalciners
- Alkali Bypasses
- Rotary Kilns
- Coolers
- Safety and Process Control of Cement Kilns
Course Material
Throughout the course the lectures are supplemented with exercises allowing participants to relate the course material to their cement factories, or the cement factories of their clients in the case of equipment or service suppliers to the cement industry. Certification is achieved by completing a satisfactory level of exercises, and by end of module exams.
The course is complete with downloadable handouts of the lectures, exercises, and reading material for the training record.
Module 1:
- The way the course is organised and how the mass and energy balance of a cement kiln provides the structure for the course
- The importance of accurate dosing of feed and solid fuels to a cement kiln and the technology used to ensure this
- The basis for the difference between the kiln feed to clinker factor and the stoichiometric raw mix factor and the importance of the dust losses from a cement kiln
- Lecture 1 - Course Introduction
- Exercise 1
- Lecture 2 - Kiln Feeding Systems
- Exercise 2
- Lecture 3 - Fuel Dosing Systems
- Exercise 3
- Lecture 4 - Dust Losses
- Exercise 4
- End of Module 1 exam
- The technology of the preheater-induced draft fan, the biggest consumer of electricity in the kiln system
- The problems induced draft fans can suffer with build-up on the impellors and the possible solutions
- The detail of suspension preheaters and how they impact the induced draft fan
- The alkali cycle and the solutions that can be applied, including alkali bypasses
- Lecture 5 - Induced Draft Fans
- Exercise 5
- Lecture 6 - Preheater Fan Build-Up
- Exercise 6
- Lecture 7 - Suspension Preheaters
- Exercise 7
- Lecture 8 - Alkali Cycles & Bypasses
- Exercise 8
- End of Module 2 exam
- Precalciners in their different configurations and their implications for the operation of a cement kiln
- The special considerations involved in firing a cement kiln with natural gas and heavy fuel oil
- The increasingly important topic of burning alternative fuels in a cement kiln
- Lecture 9 - Precalciners
- Exercise 9
- Lecture 10 - Gas Firing
- Exercise 10
- Lecture 11 - Fuel Oil Firing
- Exercise 11
- Lecture 12 - Alternative Fuels
- Exercise 12
- End of Module 3 exam
- The rotary section of the kiln, how its mechanical integrity must be preserved during operation and the radiation and convection losses from the kiln shell
- The kiln main burner and the requirements for efficient combustion of the fuel in the kiln
- The combustion product gases from burning the fuel in the kiln and how the volume of exhaust from the kiln is estimated
- Coolers of different designs and generations and how cooler efficiency is defined
- Lecture 13 - Rotary Kilns
- Exercise 13
- Lecture 14 - Main Burner
- Exercise 14
- Lecture 15 - Combustion Gas & Oxygen
- Exercise 15
- Lecture 16 - Clinker Coolers
- Exercise 16
- End of Module 4 Exam
- We will start by reviewing the overall mass and energy balance of a cement kiln and what is the maximum thermal energy efficiency that can be achieved
- We then consider the important considerations and procedures for starting-up the kiln
- Operation and control of a cement kiln presents certain challenges to the kiln operator and these will be reviewed
- We then complete this week's sessions with a review of the important safety factors involved in operating a cement kiln
- Lecture 17 - Mass and Energy Balance
- Exercise 17
- Lecture 18 - Start-Up
- Exercise 18
- Lecture 19 - Operation and Control
- Exercise 19
- Lecture 20 - Safety
- Exercise 20
- End of Module 5 exam
- Emissions from cement kilns are under growing scrutiny throughout the world therefore we consider the technology that is deployed with cement kiln systems to mitigate emissions
- Cement manufacture is an energy-intensive industry, and energy costs are continuously rising therefore, we consider the opportunities for waste heat power generation
- The world's people and governments are increasingly determined to reduce global CO2 emissions, and the cement industry will have to make its contribution therefore, we consider the technology options for carbon capture from cement kilns
- Finally, we look forward to the next 40 years and the changes which the cement industry and cement kilns will have to undergo if targets for CO2 emission reductions are to be achieved
- Lecture 21 - Emissions Mitigation
- Exercise 21
- Lecture 22 - Waste Heat Power Generation
- Exercise 22
- Lecture 23 - Lowering CO2 and Carbon Capture
- Exercise 23
- Lecture 24 - Future of Pyroprocessing