International Cement Review articles tagged under : Market Reports

06 December 2011 Jolyne Fernandes

India: caught in a down-cycle

The Indian cement industry waits patiently to emerge from the current downturn.

22 November 2011

Iraq – open for business

As Iraq's political and security situations improve, ICR explores the cement sector's potential.

21 November 2011

Florida: the waiting game

Florida demand has seen a marked turnaround and faces one of its most difficult periods to-date.

21 November 2011

Hungary: building on traditions

The Hungarian Cement Association gives an exclusive report on the new era of cement production.

Is the bubble close to bursting? 21 October 2011

Is the bubble close to bursting?

China is reorganising its cement sector with new capacity and a tougher environmental policy.

19 April 2017 Peter Bell

Brazil: project quick-build

Multinationals and local producers add further capacity to the dynamic Brazilian market.

Canada's sustainable goals 20 October 2011 Peter Bell

Canada's sustainable goals

Canada's well-established cement industry looks to improve its carbon footprint.