Hello Viswam, If you don't mind me asking, what was the purpose of the trial and what was the outcome? ...
Hello Viswam, Sorry, but I don't quite understand your question. Are you asking if it is possible to add som...
Hello Rajuram, Firstly, sorry for not responding to your question sooner but I have been out of the office on a...
Hello, Better cooling efficiency is obtained if the fans are directed upwards against the shell as it rotates d...
Hello Mohan, No, once the kiln feed rate is constant the quantity of dust that is recycled remains the same and...
Hello Mohan, The reason for the discrepancy between 'kiln 'feed' and clinker LSF is that the kiln feed sample a...
Hello Mohan, The external dust cycle starts at the top of the preheater. Since the top cyclone(s) are only abou...
Hello Rajuram, In my experience, dry flyash is normally added to the cement as it enters the cooler (to ensure ...
Hello Mohan, I strongly suspect that the difference is due to the dust which recycles external to the kiln, bet...
Hello Ariel, You're welcome! Let me know how the testing goes. Best Regards, Ted.