jordan wong: I am doing a research on this topic for my final year project,meaning that i will add volcanic t...
One possible explanation could be an increase in the temperature of your product before bagging. This could result...
Dr. Zoey: This I understand, however, from time to time kilns produce very large clinker. I also overhear from...
G_Alvi: Dear Mr. Ted, Thanks for you prompt reply and explaination on the subject. Best regards, Alvi Dear...
G_Alvi: Can anyone explain the difference between the Alkali Sulfate Ratio (ASR) & Alkali Sulfate Molar Ratio...
This question has already been fairly well answered by Ovancantfort, here;-
elwathig: 1-we fucing sme time high free lime and litter wieght. The only way you can get high free lime ...
Bhaskar: An article has been published in ICR Aug.10 th issue page no.70 on the subject title "Quality Contr...
BLM: Normally our free lime content is in between 1.5 to 2.00 % Your clinker is certainly not over-burned...
elwathig: we are suffering from high free lime and litter weight.notice that the raw meal analyeses are : LSF...