108 posts
TimePosted 29/11/2009 13:08:28
Dastgir says

Hypothesization V/S Reality

Dear All,

Is the any type of relation has been found between actual clinker phase wt. % and calculated from Bogue's formulae?


Gulam Dastgir



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Michael Clark
324 posts
TimePosted 30/11/2009 14:32:15

Re: Hypothesization V/S Reality

There are well established corrections to the Bogue calculations for cooling rate of clinker. However, the only way to determine the actual relationships is by periodic measurement of real mineralogy by XRD or microscopy. Once sufficient data is built up correlations can be established to estimate real mineralogy from oxide composition.


108 posts
TimePosted 30/11/2009 15:30:43
Dastgir says

Re: Hypothesization V/S Reality

Dear Clark,

Do you mean that such empirical relations vary plant to plant depending prevailing conditions?


Gulam Dastgir


Michael Clark
324 posts
TimePosted 01/12/2009 13:05:18

Re: Hypothesization V/S Reality

Such relationships will vary plant to plant and kiln to kiln dependent on raw materials, fuels, buenr configuration, etc. However, for a particular kiln there should be a relationship between the actual mineralogy and the oxide composition as the processing conditions are broadly the same. The correlations need to be updated regularly but if that is done then real mineralogy can be estimated from the oxides.
