28 posts
TimePosted 02/03/2011 13:19:55
shastrib says

Speed of air inside on a cement mill

Good day everyone

i have two questions,


1. What should be my average air speed inside the cement mill?

2. What air to cement ratio should i target inside a V-separator?




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5 posts
TimePosted 04/03/2011 16:55:01
Lafecapo says

Re: Speed of air inside on a cement mill

I will answer you only first question: a typical average of air speed in a tube mill is between 1.0 and 1.5 m/s. If you have a static separator the speed could reach up 2.5 m/s.


Best regards,




15 posts
TimePosted 18/04/2011 12:31:45

Re: Speed of air inside on a cement mill

My experience tells that For any open circut mill,Velocity inside the mill is 0.8-1.0 m/s.For closed circut Mill,it may be 1.0-1.5 m/s.If you need more about the air ratio to the cement for different types of seperator,pl contact to my id

Best regards,

