198 posts
Ash fusion temperature
1.What is the significance of solid fossil fuels ash fusion temperature on kiln burning process?
2.What is the typical value of ash fusion temperature of Indonesial and South African Bituminous coal?
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77 posts
537 posts
Re: Ash fusion temperature
Hello Raj,
Sorry I can't help you with your second question, but coal having a low ash fusion temperature will increase the risk of kiln rings, particularly in and around the burning zone.
198 posts
Re: Ash fusion temperature
Dear Mr.Ted,
As per my understanding the higher the ash fusion temperatures better will be its performance in terms of fouling and slagging in power plant boiler tubes. High alkali containing fly ashes generally do have low ash fusion temperatures.Indonesian coal which is largely used in power plants. Indonesian coal ash is generally alkali rich thereby reducing ash fusion temperature.Effect of low ash fusion temperature on pyroprocessing process is not yet comprehensively invesigated and documented.Power generataion and pyroprocessing is completely different process than cement manufacturing.In clinkering process inorganic ash is completely absorbed in clinker, whereas in thermal power plant ash produced in thermal power generation process is as an industrial waste.I have asked the question in the forum to understand the practical experience of forum members in usage of low ash fusion temperature in cement industry.
With regards,