Cement News tagged: Environmental

New York set standards for cement plants

19 January 2009, Published under Cement News

Federal regulators have agreed to set standards for mercury emissions from cement plants under a legal settlement with activists and nine states, including New York.

Gangsu province cleans up, China

08 January 2009, Published under Cement News

Northwest China’s Gansu province aims to eliminate 3.75Mt of obsolete capacity in 2009 to fulfill the targets of energy conservation and emissions reduction.

Test results released on Cemex plant

08 January 2009, Published under Cement News

Test results are finally in on the quality of air in Davenport, just north of Santa Cruz. Summer tests

Ravena plant state’s No. 2 mercury source

07 January 2009, Published under Cement News

The Lafarge cement plant is second only to the state’s largest coal-fired power plant in emitting mercury pollution,

EPA sues Cemex

EPA sues Cemex

07 January 2009, Published under Cement News

A Lyons cement plant failed to install the best pollution controls while tainting Boulder County’s air for

China Runji waste heat power generation in progress

06 January 2009, Published under Cement News

China Runji Cement Inc, a leading producer and distributor of cement in Anhui Province of China, ha

UK: Lafarge recalls 30,000 bags of cement

UK: Lafarge recalls 30,000 bags of cement

22 December 2008, Published under Cement News

Lafarge has recalled 1500t of Blue Circle cement over fears

EBRD Fund purchases carbon credits from Ukrainian cement producer

22 December 2008, Published under Cement News

The Multilateral Carbon Credit Fund (MCCF) established by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the European Investment Bank (EIB) has agreed to purchase carbon credits

Holcim appeal next year, New Zealand

19 December 2008, Published under Cement News

An Environment Court appeal hearing for Holcim (New Zealand) Ltd’s proposed $300 million cement

Final decision on Lafarge burn permit expected soon, US

19 December 2008, Published under Cement News

The Department of Environmental Quality presented an update on the requested burn permit by Lafarg

Holcim seeks US$75 million carbon credit

18 December 2008, Published under Cement News

PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk seeks accumulative carbon credit worth US$50-70m in 10 years from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC).

Australian cement industry to get emissions scheme help

18 December 2008, Published under Cement News

The Federal Government says it is not ignoring the cement industry’s concerns about the extra costs associated with an emissions trading scheme.

Emissions trading ’could harm cement industry’, Australia

17 December 2008, Published under Cement News

The Federal Opposition says a cement company could scrap a billion-dollar expansion in central Queensland because of extra costs imposed by an emissions trading scheme.

Holcim plants trees in former mining area, Indonesia

15 December 2008, Published under Cement News

Hundreds of female employees and wives of workers at cement producer PT Holcim in Cilacap, Central

Maytas Properties SEZ receives Holcim Award for Sustainable Construction in Asia

15 December 2008, Published under Cement News

Maytas Properties Limited, a Hyderabad based leading Property Development Company, has received

Mexico set to cut emissions

12 December 2008, Published under Cement News

Mexico said that it would slash its carbon pollution by 50% before 2050, joining Brazil among large