Gov’t officials step in to resolve Twiga land dispute, Tanzania
The Tanzanian government has assured Twiga Cement Company that it is working to ensure that Chasimba villagers, staying on the firm’s land are relocated by December this year.
The assurance follows a threat by the firm last month to close down its Wazo Hill plant in Dar es Salaam “soon” unless the 952 Chasimba villagers said to have invaded its premises heeded a court order and moved out.
The company’s lawyer, Sam Mapande, had then said they were contemplating the unprecedented measure after the government had failed to remove the villagers illegally occupying the land.
The company also said it was putting on hold a US$60m worth of expansion plans at the same area. The Appeal Court in 2008 ruled that residents of the area are occupying the land illegally and should move out.
The company’s Manager for Human Resources and Executive Affairs Jayne Nyimbo said the government has assured the company that it was doing all it takes to relocate people who are staying on the land illegally.
She said officials from the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Marketing, Kinondoni district council and the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Human Settlements met last week to discuss the matter. She said the officials had agreed that the villagers continue staying at the area while waiting for the government to complete land survey and evaluation at Mwembepande area where they will be relocated.
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