Cement deliveries by APC members Asment Témara, Ciments de l’Atlas, Ciments du Maroc, LafargeHolcim Maroc and Novacim in Morocco increased 11.5 per cent YoY to 1,199,867t in February 2025, according to the national cement association, APC.
Of this total, 664,257t was delivered to the wholesale segment, up 6.2 per cent YoY from 625,257t in February 2024. However, the strongest growth was reported in the ready-mix concrete segment, which saw a 24.2 per cent increase in off-take to 291,847t from 235,003t over the same period. Growth was also robust in the prefabricated segment, where dispatches advanced 21.8 per cent YoY to 125,050t from 102,685t in February 2024. Off-take by the infrastructure market increased by 6.6 per cent to 75,197t in February 2025 from 70,515t in the year-ago period. The building sector saw a 3.5 per cent pick-up to 38,379t from 37,085t. However, sales to mortars declined by 13.8 per cent YoY to 5137t from 5962t.
January-February 2025
APC members companies dispatches 2.485Mt of cement in the first two months of 2025, up 12.6 per cent when compared with 2M24 dispatches of 2.207Mt.
Ready-mix concrete off-take advanced 24.5 per cent YoY to 0.602Mt from 0.483t in the 2M24 while the prefabricated segment showed a similar expansion by 24.4 per cent to 0.264Mt from 0.213Mt over the same period. The industry's largest domestic cement market, wholesale, increased its purchased by 7.7 per cent YoY to 1.371Mt from 1.273Mt in the 2MF24. Sales to infrastructure increased 5.4 per cent YoY to 0.163Mt in the 2M25 from 0.154Mt while dispatches to the building sector were up by four per cent YoY to 0.076Mt in the 2M25 from 0.073Mt. Mortar segment dispatches fell by 9.8 per cent to 9722t from 10,774t in the 2M24.