The US$2m Holcim Awards competitions for sustainable construction projects and visions has attracted 6065 submissions. The number of entries and countries participating has grown strongly since the previous competition and is further evidence that sustainability has become a firmly-entrenched core topic within building and construction.

Submissions will now be screened for compliance with the rules of the Holcim Awards before the evaluation by five juries of internationally-renowned architects and academics takes place. 

Submissions for projects located in 146 countries show that the move towards sustainable construction is a global concern, implemented by multi-disciplinary partnerships and many international teams.

The Holcim Awards competitions are conducted in parallel in five geographical regions. The greatest number of submissions were received for projects in Latin America (29%), followed by Asia Pacific (27%), Europe (25%), North America (10%) and Africa Middle East (8%).

The most significant increase in participation was registered in North America (+73%), the highest number of Holcim Awards (main category) submissions was from Asia Pacific, and the largest participation in the "Next Generation" (student category) was from Latin America.

All fully-completed entries will now undergo a formal check by Berlin-based architecture and urban design consultants.

Valid entries will then be presented to an independent jury panel in the region where the project is to be constructed (or where the project was conceptualised for the student category). Each jury will examine a broad range of between 150 and 550 detailed submissions for building and civil engineering works, landscape, urban design and infrastructure, and materials, products and construction technologies.