Bharathi Cement has announced that Line No.2 at its Andhra Pradesh works in India has started production as per the original schedule in December 2010 pushing up capacity from 2.5Mta to 5.0Mta. The plant has a reported 100 years of limestone reserves.
The plant is directly linked to the national rail & road network and will supply to the markets of Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Goa, Pondicherry and Andaman & Nicobar.
Bharathi Cement, a VICAT subsidiary, at present has 1525 dealers and more than 3000 sub-dealers to take care of the sales. The company is targeting to have 2000 dealers by 2011. Bharathi Cement produces OPC 43 Grade, OPC 53 Grade and Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC). The company is also shortly planning to launch Portland Slag Cement (PSC).