Russia’s LSR Group has announced the launch of a new cement plant in Slantsy, Leningrad region. The plant has a cement production capacity 1.86Mt of cement. The total amount of investment into the project is EUR445m. The location of the plant in the town of Slantsy, 175 km away from St. Petersburg.
The inauguration ceremony was attended by: Valery Serdyukov, Governor of the Leningrad region, Andrey Molchanov, Senator of the Leningrad region in the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Mr. Xie Xiao Yong, Consul General of China, Igor Levit, Chairman of the Board of Directors of LSR Group, Alexander Vakhmistrov, President, Chairman of the Executive Committee of LSR Group, Mikhail Romanov, Managing Director of New Business Development of LSR Group, Mr. Xu Ning, President of Hefei Cement Research & Design Institute (HCRDI), and also scientists, mass media and the plant’s employees.
The production technology, which uses the waste limestone from oil shale production as an additional raw material, was developed by FLSmidth & Co A/S.