Cemex announced today the donation of 6000 acres of land to Chingaza National Natural Park in central Colombia. The land was previously an aggregates quarry which for 50 years contributed to the economic and social development of its neighbouring communities. The donation of the land to the country’s park service is the final step of the quarry’s restoration plan and an opportunity for Cemex to give back to the central Colombian community.

“The decision to donate this land reflects Cemex’ commitment to contribute to biodiversity conservation through our land management program”, said Cesar Constain, President of Vr,rc in Colombia. “Sustainable development is embedded in our core company strategy.”

Chingaza Park is located an hour from the capital city of Bogota and is a crucial part of the country’s ecosystem. The park provides drinking water for nearly 11 million people in central Colombia and is home to numerous rare plant and animal species.

The donation took place at a ceremony organized by Cemex inside the former quarry, which has not been operational since 1998, and was attended by Beatriz Uribe, Colombian Minister of Environment, Housing, and Land Development; Julia Miranda Londoño, Director of the Colombian National Natural Park Service; and Cesar Constain, along with other environmental authorities and company executives.