Pretoria Portland Cement has launched the Ordinary Portland Cement as part of diversification following the completion of the US$20 million refurbishment and upgrading of its Collen Bawn plant.

In an interview, PPC Zimbabwe managing director, Mr Zak Limbada, said the continued improvement of the Zimbabwean economy has seen an increase in construction hence the introduction of OPC into the market to cater for building of mega structures.

“The continued improvement of the Zimbabwean economy sees an increase in construction. In line with a vision of an ever growing country with towering sky scraper and mega structures the introduction of OPC was seen as essential,” said Mr Limbada.

PPC, which has an installed capacity of 750,000tpa, controls an estimated 55 per cent share of the market and projected that output would shoot by 20 per cent after the recapitalisation programme.