Semen Gresik, Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa, and Holcim Indonesia, recorded an average 8.5 per cent sales volume growth in 3Q10 compared to last year

Cement industry research released by the NISP Sekuritas places PT Indocement Tung-gal Prakarsa Tbk and PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk to have equal sales volume of 13.6 percent.

Indocement’s domestic sales volumes amounted to 9.19Mt up to September 2010 are higher than that of last year 8.09Mt. Holcim sales volume rose 13.6 per cent from 3.53Mt to 4.01Mt, as at September 2010.

The largest cement sales contribution is still from PT Semen Gresik Tbk. Sale volumes were 12.69Mt, up 2.4 per cent compared to12.39Mt in 3Q09.