Cement production in Peru increased 16% between January and September this year. During the same period, the country exported 267% more than in 2009, according to the Association of Cement Producers (ASOCEM).

Between January and September of 2010 the production of cement reached 1.48Mt, up 17 per cent YoY.
Domestic cement sales during the period amounted to 5.9Mt, representing an increase of 16% over the same period of 2009, when they totalled 5.09Mt.

A total of 3399t of cement was exported while in the same period of 2009, exports totaled 926t.
Juan Carlos Odar, senior analyst Economic Research of Banco de Credito del Peru (BCP), told Andina news agency that the construction sector has grown 14.5% in September and felt that this would continue to grow over 10% in remainder of the year.