The Rugby borough council looks set to dig its heels in over its opposition to Cemex’s plans to build its Climafuel plant behind its existing plant on Lawford Road In March the committee said it favoured the waste recycling plant being built at the firm’s works in Southam rather than on land known as Malpass Farm in Rugby.

And after being provided with more information relating to the plant’s environmental impact councillors look set to stand by their objection.

The committee was expected to make its decision last night (Wednesday), although the choice it makes may have little bearing on the final decision as Warwickshire County Council is the authority that will give overall permission for one of the sites earmarked for the plant.

The Climafuel plant will process household waste so it can be used to power the cement factory.

The Malpass Farm site is being opposed on a number of grounds relating to its proximity to homes, the lack of an alternative method of dealing with its gas emissions, its possible impact on nearby roads and the detrimental impact it would have on the look of the area.

 A lack of information on these areas is cited as a key reason for the objection, although this is disputed by Cemex.

 On the other hand, in approving plans for the plant at Southam quarry, the report raises no objection provided Cemex agrees to a traffic routing scheme, provides a financial contribution towards the borough council’s monitoring of the surrounding air quality, limits traffic and controls litter and odour from its vehicles.

 The borough council’s comments will be passed on the county council which is set to make a decision on the sites later in the year.

Cemex spokesman Ian Southcott said: “I am disappointed the borough council’s officers are recommending an objection to the Malpass Farm site.

“I find it difficult to understand why the council feels it still needs more information. Nevertheless, it is encouraging the council supports the establishment of such a facility at the Southam site - I think that illustrates they like the principle of Climafuel and turning waste into energy.”