TXI Riverside Cement, owned by Dallas-based Texas Industries will lay off the majority of its Inland work force starting Saturday.
The company will lay off 88 people at its Rubidoux plant near Crestmore on Saturday and Dec. 19, said Frank Sheets, the company’s spokesman.
In June, the South Coast Air Quality Management District fined the company $1 million in penalties for air quality violations at its plant near Riverside. In October, 285 people living nearby filed a lawsuit against the company for allegedly emitting toxic hexavalent chromium.
The plant will remain open with 19 people to pack the company’s cement, Sheets said.
Last week, Sheets said the plant would stop making cement because of the recession.
"General building in Southern California is way off," he said.
He didn’t want to speculate how much the company has lost as a result of the economic downturn and didn’t know how much the company would save with the layoffs.